越南学生汉语程度副词习得探讨A study of Vietnamese students' acquisition of Chinese degree adverbs 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,越语论文题目,越语论文范文,内容请直接查看目录。) 副词是对外汉语语法教授教养的难点之一,个中的水平副词运用频率相当高,用法也比拟庞杂,乃至越南先生的汉语水平副词习得存在很多成绩。本文在对年夜量习作语料和语法测试语料考核的基本上采取比较剖析、偏误剖析及难度品级切实其实立等办法对越南先生汉语水平副词的习得次序和难度品级停止考核,初次测验考试周全考核越南先生汉语水平副词的习得。本文起首对越南先生习作语估中的800余例水平副词偏误从语法角度停止剖析,触及到了漏掉、误加、误代、错序及杂糅等五类偏误;并依据偏误情形得出了习作语料的水平副词习得次序。然后依据越南先生的语法测试成果,又得出了一个水平副词的习得次序,并将其与习作语估中的习得次序停止比拟,经由过程Spearman品级相干系数磨练,发明两者具有较年夜的分歧性;同时经由过程公道的人工数据干涉,终究确立水平副词总的习得次序。随后,依据三种肯定难度品级的办法,初步确立了汉语水平副词绝对越语的难度品级(零级一五级),并商量了难度品级与偏误和习得次序的关系。最初,考核了今朝的《语法年夜纲》、《测验年夜纲》、《教授教养年夜纲》和教材中水平副词的设置情形,简述了本研究对教材编写、教授教养办法和相干研究的启发。 Abstract: Adverb is one of the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The level of adverbs in Chinese adverbs is quite high, and the usage is quite complex. In this paper, to Nianye amount of composition corpus and grammar test corpus evaluation basically adopts a comparative analysis, error analysis and the difficulty grade and in fact legislation and other measures of Vietnam Mr. Chinese Adverbs Acquisition Order and difficulty grade examination, the first test comprehensive assessment is the south, the level of Chinese Adverbs Acquisition. The chapeau of Mr. Vietnamese language writing assessment of more than 800 cases level adverb bias from the point of view of grammar analysis, touched the omission, addition error, error generation, wrong order and hybridity five types of errors; and based on partial error cases obtained composition corpus level adverb acquisition order. Then according to the Vietnam Mr. grammar test results, reached again a level adverb acquisition order and the writing language and estimate the acquisition order compared, through Spearman grade coherence hone, invented both with is the eve of the differences of; also through a fair process of artificial data interference, eventually establishing level adverb total acquisition order. Then, according to the three kinds of certain difficulty grade, the initial establishment of the grade level adverbs absolute more language difficulty grade (zero level fifth level), and discuss the difficulty and error and the relationship between the acquisition order. Initially, the examination of the present "grammar", "test", "teaching" and the teaching materials in the level of adverbs set up the situation, this study on the preparation of teaching materials, teaching methods and related research inspired. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 1 绪论 8-10 1.1 探讨缘起 8 1.2 探讨思路与探讨目标 8-9 1.3 测试对象与语料来源 9-10 2 现代汉语程度副词探讨综述 10-13 2.1 本体探讨中的程度副词探讨 10-12 2.2 对外汉语教学中的程度副词探讨 12-13 3 越南学生汉语程度副词的偏误略论 13-31 3.1 偏误略论理论 13-14 3.2 习作语料中的程度副词偏误略论 14-30 3.2.1 遗漏偏误 17-19 3.2.2 误加偏误 19-22 3.2.3 误代偏误 22-25 3.2.4 错序偏误 25-26 3.2.5 杂糅偏误 26-30 3.3 小结 30-31 4 越南学生汉语程度副词的习得顺序及其成因 31-46 4.1 越南学生汉语程度副词的习得顺序 31-43 4.1.1 习作语料中越南学生汉语程度副词的习得顺序 31-32 4.1.2 语法测试中越南学生汉语程度副词的习得顺序 32-41 4.1.3 习作语料习得顺序与语法测试习得顺序的综合比较 41-43 4.2 越南学生汉语程度副词习得顺序的成因 43-46 4.2.1 越南学生汉语程度副词习得顺序的主观因素 43-44 4.2.2 越南学生汉语程度副词习得顺序的客观因素 44-46 5 越南学生习得汉语程度副词的“难度等级”考察 46-63 5.1 汉语程度副词难度等级的确定 46-59 5.1.1 难度等级确定的理论依据 46-48 5.1.2 各程度副词在难度等级中的归属 48-59 5.2 汉语程度副词的难度等级与偏误的关系 59-61 5.3 汉语程度副词的难度等级与习得顺序的关系 61-63 6 对外汉语教学各大纲及教材中程度副词编排情况考察 63-74 6.1 对外汉语教学各大纲中程度副词编排情况考察 63-65 6.1.1 《语法大纲》中程度副词的设置 63-64 6.1.2 《考试大纲》中程度副词的设置 64 6.1.3 《教学大纲》中程度副词的设置 64-65 6.2 对外汉语教材中程度副词编排情况考察 65-74 6.2.1 对外汉语教材中涉及到的程度副词 66-67 6.2.2 越南留学生所用教材中程度副词的设置问题 67-71 6.2.3 越南留学生所用教材中程度副词出现顺序与难度等级关系的考察 71-74 7 越南学生汉语程度副词习得探讨的启示 74-77 7.1 对教材编写的启示 74-75 7.2 对教学和相关探讨的启示 75-77 8 结语 77-78 参考文献 78-81 附录 81-97 致谢 97-98 攻读学位期间的学术论文目录 98 |