泰国学生汉字写读偏误调查与略论一以泰国朱拉蓬公主学院学生汉字习得为例Thailand students Chinese characters read and write errors of investigation and analysis in Thailand Princess Chulabhorn college students Chinese characters acquisition as an example 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,泰语毕业论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 对外汉字教授教养是汉语国际教导的主要构成部门,由于汉语作为第二说话的教与学,是既包含行动语也包含口语的教与学,不懂汉字便很难深刻懂得汉语这一门说话和中国积厚流光的文明汗青,而文明汗青常常凝集了一个国度一个平易近族的聪明,要向世界推行汉语和中国文明,汉字的教与学必弗成少。可是传统对外汉语教授教养对汉字的存眷远远不敷,笔者练习地点地泰国朱拉蓬公主学院也存在雷同情形。笔者经由过程统计先生汉字偏误语料,发明书写偏误中以笔划变形偏误最集中,其次是部件组合偏误,解释先生对汉字根本笔划和部件之间庞杂的组合关系控制缺乏。认读偏误中以音调认读偏误最为凸起,解释在早期的汉字认读教授教养中,应充足看重音调教授教养。依据问卷查询拜访、教室不雅察和偏误数据统计成果剖析,形成这些偏误的缘由重要来自五个方面:第一,先生进修立场主动,进修战略掉当,汉字基本软弱;第二,教员教授教养办法传统单一,教授教养环节存在缺乏与缺掉,教员汉字素养缺乏;第三,汉字差别于拼音文字的庞杂特征;第四,先生母语的搅扰;第五,黉舍对汉语课不敷看重。依据这些缘由,笔者以为要改良朱拉蓬公主学院汉字教授教养现状重要从两方面动手:第一,黉舍应调剂政策高度看重汉语汉字教授教养,增长汉语的对象性目的,调动先生进修的积极性;第二,教员应当进步本身汉字素养,改良传统教授教养办法,留意教授教养环节的完全性与迷信性。 Abstract: Teaching Chinese as a foreign language is an international Chinese language education has the main components of the Department, due to the Chinese as a second language teaching and learning, contain both the language act also contains oral English teaching and learning, do not understand Chinese characters will be very difficult to deeply understand the Chinese speaking and China has a long history of civilization history, and history and culture often agglutination of the country a plain near family smart, to promoting the Chinese language and culture to the world, Chinese characters teaching and learning will put a little. But traditional foreign language teaching in Chinese concern is not enough, I practice place Thai Princess Chulabhorn college also has similar cases. The author through Mr. statistical character error corpus, the invention of writing partial error to stroke deformation error the most concentrated, followed by the component of composite error, explain Mr. components and basic strokes of Chinese characters between complex combination of lack of control. To recognize and read bias error in tone recognition read errors is a prominent, explained in the early Chinese character recognition reading teaching, should be sufficient to see stress adjusting teaching. According to the questionnaire visits, classroom observations and error statistics result analysis, forming these errors are the main reasons from five aspects: first, Mr. learning attitude active learning strategy when off, Chinese character basic weakness; second, teachers teaching the traditional single, the teaching process exists deficiency and missing, lack of teachers of Chinese characters literacy; third, difference of Chinese characters in the complex characteristics of alphabetic writing; fourth, Mr. mother tongue interference; fifth, schools of Chinese class is not enough value. According to these reasons, I think that to improve the status of Princess Chulabhorn of College Chinese teaching important from two aspects: hands on: first, schools should adjust policy attaches great importance to the Chinese character teaching, object to Chinese growth, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students studying; second, teachers should improve their Chinese quality, and improve the traditional teaching method, pay attention to aspects of teaching completely and superstition. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 绪论 8-16 一、探讨目的与意义 8-9 二、探讨近况 9-12 (一) 对外汉字教学探讨近况 9-10 (二) 对外汉字偏误探讨近况 10-12 (三) 泰国学生汉字习得探讨近况 12 三、语料来源 12-13 (一) 对于调查对象与语料来源的说明 12-13 (二) 偏误记录的措施 13 (三) 探讨中参照的标准 13 四、探讨内容、措施与过程 13-16 (一) 探讨内容 13-14 (二) 探讨措施 14 (三) 探讨过程 14-16 第一章 朱拉蓬公主学院汉字教学近况 16-24 第一节 学生汉字学习近况 16-19 第二节 教师汉字教学近况 19-20 第三节 现用教材中涉及汉字教学的编排情况 20-22 本章小结 22-24 第二章 朱拉蓬公主学院汉语学习者汉字写读偏误分类统计 24-37 第一节 汉字书写偏误 24-30 一、笔画偏误(A) 25-26 二、部件偏误(B) 26-27 三、整字偏误(C) 27 四、书写偏误整体情况 27-30 第二节 汉字认读偏误 30-36 一、声母认读偏误 31-32 二、韵母认读偏误 32-34 三、声调认读偏误 34-35 四、其他认读偏误 35-36 本章小结 36-37 第三章 朱拉蓬公主学院汉语学习者汉字写读偏误原因略论 37-52 第一节 从“汉字学习调查问卷”中略论得到的原因 37-41 一、学生学习态度被动 37-38 二、学生汉字基础薄弱 38-39 三、教师教学策略传统单一 39-41 第二节 从“教师汉字教学近况”调查中略论得到的原因 41-44 一、展示环节的问题 41-42 二、解释环节的问题 42 三、练习环节的问题 42-44 第三节 从学生汉字书写偏误类型中略论得到的原因 44-49 一、汉字折笔画类型繁多,不易书写 44-46 二、汉字笔画间关系复杂 46-47 三、汉字笔画变形规则复杂 47 四、汉字总体笔画数目多、相似笔形多 47-48 五、汉字部件组合多样 48-49 第四节 从学生汉字认读偏误类型中略论得到的原因 49-50 一、母语的作用 49-50 二、学生汉字认读学习策略失当 50 第五节 其他原因 50-51 本章小结 51-52 第四章 朱拉蓬公主学院汉字教学近况的改进对策 52-56 一、学校应调整政策高度重视汉语汉字教学 52 二、教师应提高专业素养并改进教学策略 52-54 (一) 教师应提高专业素养 52-53 (二) 教师应改进教学策略 53-54 本章小结 54-56 结语 56-58 参考文献 58-61 致谢 61 |