基于建构主义教学理论的对外汉语语音教学探讨一以泰国学生为例A study on the teaching of foreign language based on Constructivism Theory 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,泰语专业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着对外汉语教授教养事业的成长,对外汉语教授教养研究也愈来愈趋于过细和周全。就对外汉语语音教授教养而言,一方而针对汉语声、韵、调等语音要素的研究获得了很年夜停顿,另外一方面针对分歧习得主体的教授教养办法研究各有所长。但是,纵不雅以后对外汉语语音教授教养的研究结果,固然相干论文浩瀚,但众口纷纭,年夜多半缺少有用的实际指点和理论磨练。笔者联合本身在泰国的对外汉语教室教授教养经历,拟将东方古代主义教导实际—建构主义实际,与对外汉语语音教室教授教养相联合,以建构主义实际为指点,转变传统的以教为主、模拟演习的语音教授教养办法,凸起汉语习得者自己的主体感化,找寻新的教授教养办法。本论文以泰国中先生为例,第一章停止实际概述,并对以后对外汉语教授教养现状作以懂得;第二章睁开语音教授教养研究,剖析泰国粹生语音进修现状,总结其语音进修难点及罕见偏误;第三章联合建构主义实际,提出针对泰国粹生进修难点的相干教授教养办法,以复韵母"ai、ei、ao、ou"的教室教授教养为例,设计出建构主义实际下支架势教授教养形式的教室教授教养步调,并经由过程理论加以总结改良;最初,总结出在泰国停止对外汉语语音教授教养需遵守兴趣性、启示性、体系性、比较性等教室教授教养准绳。愿望经由过程笔者的深刻研究,给对外汉语语音教授教养进献菲薄力气。 Abstract: Along with the foreign language teaching career growth, foreign language teaching and research are also increasingly meticulous and thoughtful. In terms of foreign language teaching, party and for the study of Chinese sound, rhyme and tone of voice elements won the very big pause, on the other hand for the differences in learning subject teaching research methods have their own strengths. But not longitudinal JAS later research results of foreign language teaching, although coherent the vast, but there are, most of the eve of the lack of useful practical guidance and theoretical training. In Thailand, the author tries to combine the oriental ancient Chinese teaching experience with the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is a combination of teaching practice and teaching of foreign language. This paper takes Thailand as an example, in the first chapter, an overview of the actual stop, after the foreign language teaching situation to understand; the second chapter open speech teaching research, analysis of the Thailand student speech learning situation, sum up the speech learning difficulties and rare errors; the third chapter combined with constructivism theory, put forward coherent professor Thailand students learn to parenting difficulties, classroom teaching in the finals "Ai, EI, Ao, Ou" as an example, a practical design of constructivism teaching form under a posture of the classroom teaching pace, and by summarizing the improvement by process theory; first, summed up in Thailand to stop the Chinese pronunciation the teaching should comply with the interest, inspiration, system, comparison of classroom teaching principles. Through the research process of the deep desire, to the Chinese pronunciation teaching with little. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 8-13 1.1 对外汉语语音教学近况 8-9 1.1.1 对外汉语教学发展近况 8 1.1.2 对外汉语语音教学探讨近况 8-9 1.2 建构主义理论概述 9-11 1.2.1 理论由来及发展近况 9-10 1.2.2 理论核心思想 10-11 1.3 建构主义与对外汉语语音教学 11-12 1.3.1 理论联系 11 1.3.2 探讨近况 11-12 1.4 探讨设想与意义 12-13 第二章 对外汉语语音教学探讨—以泰国学生为例 13-21 2.1 对外汉语语音教学在泰国的近况 13-15 2.1.1 语音教学面貌 13 2.1.2 原因探索 13-15 2.2 泰国学生习得汉语语音的难点及常见偏误 15-17 2.2.1 辅音难点及常见偏误 15-16 2.2.2 元音难点及常见偏误 16 2.2.3 声调难点及常见偏误 16-17 2.3 偏误原因探索 17-21 2.3.1 母语负迁移造成的偏误 17-18 2.3.2 汉语语音的复杂性及其汉泰语言、文化的异同性 18-19 2.3.3 教学因素 19-21 第三章 建构主义理论下的教学对策 21-30 3.1 建构主义理论下的纠正策略 21-24 3.1.1 针对母语负迁移的建构主义纠正策略 21-22 3.1.2 针对课堂教学的建构主义纠正策略 22-24 3.2 建构主义理论下的课堂语音教学案例 24-28 3.2.1 泰国汉语课堂基本情况简介 24-25 3.2.2 教学模式设计 25 3.2.3 具体教学步骤设计 25-27 3.2.4 教学实践及总结改进 27-28 3.3 建构主义理论下的对泰国学生语音教学的建议 28-30 3.3.1 课堂教学准则 28-29 3.3.2 语音教学准则 29-30 第四章 结论 30-32 4.1 对泰国汉语语音教学的理解 30 4.2 对本论文的总结 30-31 4.3 反思与不足 31-32 参考文献 32-34 致谢 34 |