
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


In recent years, the marriage patterns have changed a lot in various countries. However, the functions of family and marriage do not change. They still reflect their cultures, religions, economic, political and other related social issues to different degrees. A research into the marriage patterns in different countries discovers the different values of families and their different cultural backgrounds.
Chinese and American social institutions, history and cultural backgrounds are different, but it is impossible to make a comparison of marriage patterns of the two countries. This paper intends to study the traditional Chinese and American adults' marriage patterns from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. The study may help people to gain a better and deeper understanding of traditional Chinese and American marriage patterns. This research will also help us to rethink and rediscover Chinese and American cultures, update the knowledge between the two cultures, arouse people’s cross-cultural communication awareness and promote their communication skills and ability.

Keywords: Chinese and American marriage patterns; cross-cultural communication; cultural similarities and differences



