
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of cross-cultural communication, the focus of translation study has been on cultural factors instead of linguistic aspects. Culture-loaded words, as the product of human language and culture, not only carry cultural information but also reflect cultural features of one nation. Adopting proper strategies to translate culture-loaded words are of great importance to enhance cross-cultural communication.
The House on Mango Street is Sandra Cisneros’ masterpiece, which contains many culture-loaded words with strong Mexican minority features. In its Chinese version, the translator Panpa takes the style of the original work and the cultural differences between two countries into consideration, employs proper strategies to translate these culture-loaded words, and proves the necessity and translatability of culture-loaded words.
This paper consists of three parts. The first part focuses on the culture-loaded words, including its definition, characteristics, and significance. In the second part, a brief introduction is made to the novel The House on Mango Street and its writer, and the classification of culture-loaded words in the novel is elaborated. The third part concludes the principles that guide culture-loaded words translation, and proposes that proper translation strategies for culture-loaded words should be applied so as to keep the original cultural flavor to the largest extent and enhance cross-cultural communication.

Key words: culture-loaded words; translation strategies; The House on Mango Street

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