摘要:本文归纳总结了there be句型非谓语动词形式的几种特殊形式和用法。其中包括 be 用作不定式、 动 名词、 现在分词、 与过去分词连用、 句型转换、 be的扩展和与多种情态动词连用等七种变化。 there be句型的非谓语名词方式是近年来大学四、 六级考试、 钻研生培养的一项语法考点。咱们的大学英语教材以及一些语法书关于此成绩并没有零碎地解说 ,先生正在做这类题时 ,难以动手 ,甚至失分较多。请看下列例句: 11 F or there success ful communication , there must be at2tentiveness and inv olvement in the discussing itsel f by all present .A. to be B. is C. being D. will be答案是A。(1998年升学题) 21 I t isn’ t cold enough for there a frost tonight , s o I canleave Jim’ s car out safely.A. being B. to be C. would be D. was答案是B。(1994年升学题) 31 No one had told Smith about a lecture the following day.A. there be B. there would be C. there was D.there being 答案是D。(2017年大学英语4级课题) 41 Ann never dreams of for her to be sent abroad verys oon.A. there to be a chance B. there being a chance C. there be achance D. being a chance答案是B。(1998年大学英语4级课题)之上 4 例辨别都是考的 there be 句型的非谓语名词方式的变迁。有先生问第一、 二句与其三、 四例中的 there to be 与there being 都能够用作介词的表语 ,能否能够有 2 个答案 ? 有先生问例中的there to be s ome change与 there being s ome change正在句中都能够作谓语名词的表语 ,干什么就没有能够有 2 个答案呢 ? 也有先生问上面这关于句子中的 there to be 与 there being异样都作介词的表语 ,是否调换 ?● Jim asked for there to be give - and - take on both sides.● He asked about there being another meeting.为了注明之上成绩 ,白文就there be 句型的非谓语名词形式变迁的多少种特别构造及其用法停止演绎 ,以供观众群参考。 一、 There be 句型中 be 用作没有定式 There be句型中 be用作没有定式 ,形成 “there to be / n” 的结构 ,正在句中能够作主语、 表语、 介词的表语、 状语。There to be后面正常用介词for指导 ,for有时没有详细意思 ,但没有能省略。 (一)作主语1. F or there to be s o few people in the street was unusual .2. I t is impossible for there to be a mistake in a computer’ sarithmetic.这是there be 非谓语名词的特别构造。留意for只起指导影响 ,没有详细意思。 (二)作名词的表语“there to be / n。 ” 用作下列及物名词的表语 ,罕见名词有expect , want , intend , mean , consider , like , prefer , let , deny 等。相似:11We don’ t want there to be any classmate lagging behind.21I don’ t mean there to be any unpleasantness.31I hope there to be s ome change in the weather留意 “there to be 和 there being 都能够作名词的表语。其中 being是动动词 ,there为 being 的论理主语。 (三)作介词的表语11The secretary arranged for there to be another interview.21Jim asked for there to be give - and - talk on both sides.留意:there to be 于介词 for 后 ,there being 用来其它介词后。 (四)作状语11I t isn’ t enough for there to be a frost tonight , s o I can leaveJim’ s car out quite safely.21 F or there to be success ful communication , there must be at2tentiveness and inv olvement in the discussing itsel f by all present .这是there be 非谓语名词的特别没有定式构造 ,罕用作后果状语(1)和手段状语(2) 。 二、 there be 句型 be 用作动动词 there be 句型中的 be 用作动动词 ,形成 “there being / n” 的构造 ,正在句中可用作主语 ,表语或者介词的表语。相似:(一)作主语11 There being a bus stop s o near the house is a great advan2tage.21 There not being an index to this book is a disadvantage.(二)作名词的表语或者介词的表语11Would y ou mind there being a meeting to discuss the problemthis Saturday.21He was disappointed at there being s o little to do.31He asked about there being another meeting.留意: “there being / n” 作介词的表语 ,那里的介词没有是for ,假如是for ,则用:there to be / n” 三、 there be 句中的 be 作现正在分词 there be句型中的 be 用作现正在分词 ,形成 “there being /n。 ” 的构造 ,正在句顶用作金鸡独立主格构造作状语 ,一般示意缘由或者环境 ,内中的there作现正在分词的论理主语。相似:11 There being no cause for alarm , she went back.21 There being nothing to do , we went home. 四、 there be 句型与过来分词连用there be 句型与过来分词连用 ,这种构造了解仿佛有定然难度。相似:11There were stolen quite a number of,英语毕业论文,英语论文范文 |