• [英语论文] 中学生英语学习动机激发策略

    摘 要 与小学英语学习相比,中学生认为英语课并不轻松有趣。大多数学生英语学习动力低下。鉴于动机对英语学习的重要性,我们有必要对学习动机做一些探讨来提高教学质量。这篇...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:82 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 多媒体在中小学英语教学中的运用

    摘 要 我们正经历传统教育向未来教育的转变,多媒体这一集声音、图画、动画于一体的先进媒体被越来越广泛地运用与英语教学,尤其是关于处于英语基础学习的中小学生而言,形象...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:143 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 初中英语课堂教学导入的策略探讨

    摘 要 导入是(lead-in)作为英语课堂教学的首要环节,是最基础的教学环节。导入虽然在课堂教学中只占极少的一部分时间,但其影响却是不容忽略的,在一节成功的英语教学课堂中...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:78 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 初中英语教学课堂提问策略探讨

    摘 要 课堂提问不仅是语言输出的重要渠道,而且也是学生语言输出的有效途径,在英语课堂教学中具有重要的意义。本论文简介课堂提问的概念以及功能,通过略论课堂提问准则、课...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:125 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 论活动教学法在小学英语教学中的应用

    摘 要 近年,中国教育事业的发展日新月异,教育与政治经济文化生活密不可分。在取得长期有效实施的过程中,也存在或多或少的问题。如何找到一种行之有效的小学英语课堂教学法...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:141 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 合作学习理论在高中英语阅读教学中的运用

    摘 要 一直以来,阅读教学就是英语学科教学的重要组成部分之一。无论是在语言的学习方面还是在语言的运用方面,阅读都具有不可动摇的坚实地位。但是,长期以来我们的英语阅读教...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:169 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 游戏在小学英语课堂教学中的应用

    摘 要 随着中国走向世界,世界踏进中国,英语在生活起着越来越大的影响。人们对英语越来越重视,大部分学生从小学就开始接触英语。关于小学生来说想真正学好英语并不容易,学...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:114 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 英语阅读中的障碍略论及解决对策

    摘 要 作为四项基本技能之一,阅读在英语学习中起着至关重要的影响。随着英语的广泛运用及英语教学的成长,对英语阅读的探讨变得尤为重要。关于许多英语学习者来说,阅读不仅...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:166 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 任务型教学法在大学英语口语教学中的运用

    摘 要 随着我国改革开放的逐步深入, 社会关于外语人才的口语交际能力提出了更高的要求。因此,提高大学生的英语口语水平是非常必要的。于是,任务型教学法应运而生了。它是一...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:65 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 在英语教学中培养大学生自主学习能力

    Abstract: With regard to the cultivation of students self-regulated learning ability for English study, the theoretical circles at present carry on research mainly from the perspective of establishing an equal relationship between teach...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:181 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 英语教学法的发展方向

    Abstract: Nowadays, English language teaching methods has become a focus in the society with so much attention. With the development of quality-oriented education, people are attaching great importance to the learning and using of English...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:137 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 学习日志在外语学习中的运用

    Abstract: As autonomous learning is widely accepted as a desirable goal in education, how to develop learner autonomy has become the focus of EFL researches. Keeping learning diaries is viewed by western scholars as an effective means of...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:197 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 学习风格和学习外语困难联系的调查探讨

    Abstract: In the field of EFL(English as a Foreign Language)learning, many attempts have been made to solve specific problems that interfere with success in EFL learning. Researchers have agreed that students individual differences...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:98 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 文化背景知识在阅读理解中的影响

    Abstract: Cultural background knowledge is an essential part in foreign language learning because language and culture are inseparable. The inadequate of cultural background knowledge of England and America is the main factor affecting th...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:151 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 任务型教学法在英语阅读中的应用

    Abstract: In recent years, task-based teaching approach has already drawn public attention in China. The task-based teaching which is students centered can encourage students activity and initiative. And nowadays reading is main way for p...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:184 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 浅析美国通识教育及其重要作用

    Abstract: The topic of education has always been a focus that discussed by people around the world. Many parents spare no effort to spend money on their children in order to make them receive the best kind of education. Many educators hav...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:149 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 母语负迁移对英语系生英语写作的作用

    Abstract: Language transfer is a universal phenomenon language learners come across when they are learning a foreign language. Before language learners learn a foreign language, they have been using their mother language to communicate wi...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:90 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 美国黑人教育的发展对美国黑人的作用

    Abstract: The United States of America is leading the world in many aspects, but there are many severe problems behind the boom, such as terrorism, the issue of feminism, the racial problems and so on. After the Civil War, the racial prob...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:108 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 论中国中学英语词汇教学

    Abstract: English vocabulary possesses a very important position in the English language, so English vocabulary teaching plays a great role in the English language teaching. On the other hand, it is urgent to make some changes to streng...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:99 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 论语际负迁移对中国学习者英语词汇习得的作用

    Abstract: Vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important factors in second language acquisition (SLA). The research into it is helpful to master a foreign language. Theoretically a larger vocabulary entails a stronger power of expres...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:133 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 教师在英语自主学习中的影响

    Abstract: Learners autonomous learning serves both as the means and end of EFL. However, teachers involvement is both necessary and significant to guarantee and enhance learner autonomy. This paper firstly elaborates on two ways of teache...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:78 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 简要略论规避策略在大学英语学习中的运用

    Abstract: As one of the factors that affect the communicative competence of college students, avoidance phenomenon plays an important part in the process of their communication in English. The thesis aims to make a brief study of the av...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:72 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 基于语料库的Very Much语义韵探讨

    Abstract: Semantic prosody refers to a certain semantic preference formed by the typical collocates of node words in the language environment which exists beyond ones consciousness. This study adopted CIA method and very much as an exampl...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:126 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 基于CLEC语料库的大学生英语写作中常见词汇错误初探

    Abstract: Writing is an important skill in communication, but there are too many errors in Chinese college students writings. Making errors is no longer treated as the mark of weak learning ability, it becomes the way to provide advices f...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:56 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 非英语系学生英语学习动机探讨

    Abstract: Motivation has been considered one of the key factors to successful language learning. Strongly-motivated students will study English with explicit purpose and positive attitude and achieve a good result. On the contrary, lack...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:184 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 多媒体技术在小学英语教学中的应用

    Abstract: There are indications that the traditional teacher-centered instruction mode is not as effective and efficient in students ability improvement as it is when aided with multimedia. Application of multimedia has paved a new way fo...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:111 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 多媒体辅助旅游英语教学

    Abstract: Nowadays multimedia is widely used in the foreign language teaching and learning remarkably due to its benefits. This paper introduces the multimedia in tourist English teaching, and points out the theoretical foundation to su...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:61 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 大学生英语写作中的中式英语

    Abstract: Nowadays, Chinglish has almost been a general phenomenon in the process of learning English, and there is also considerable Chinglish in college students English writing. But in the daily life, Chinglish is accepted by a large n...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:139 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 中式英语对英语学习的作用及应付方法

    Abstract With the reform and opening-up of China, as well as economic globalization, Chinese people are communicating with other countries more and more frequently. As a major tool for international communication, English plays an extreme...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:110 所需金币:免费
  • [英语论文] 自主性学习在英语学习中的重要性

    Abstract With the education reform deepened in China, the quality education has been further strengthened, and people attach more importance to autonomous learning. The paper focuses on the factors influencing autonomous learning and the...

    发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:76 所需金币:免费