称呼语是人类社会中使用最广泛的语言形式。称呼语的使用是社会文化、语用功能、心理情感等多种因素与语言符号的融合过程。只有多角度、全方位的考察和略论称呼语现象,才能揭示称呼语的本质特征并确立使称呼语得以恰当表达和准确理解的基本原则。 称呼语是传递信息和交流感情的重要工具,称呼语在言语交际中发挥重要影响。称呼语具有文化功能和语用功能。称呼语中所凝结的厚重文化气息体现了称呼语的文化功能。称呼语在会话结构、语码转换及礼貌准则中的影响反映了称呼语的语用功能。称呼语的使用关于促进文化交流,增进友谊有着不可忽视的影响。 全文共分四章: 第一章称呼语的探讨。本章回顾了俄汉称呼语探讨的历史,研讨了与称呼语探讨相关的理论问题,指出了称呼语探讨的理论价值并阐明了称呼语探讨的目的及措施。 第二章称呼语的文化功能。本章将称呼语置于文化背景之中,揭示称呼语所反映的宗法观念、伦理道德观念、价值取向以及称呼语所具有的时代特征。 第三章称呼语的语用功能。本章是从称呼语与会话结构、称呼语与语码转换、称呼语与礼貌体系这三个方面来揭示称呼语的语用功能。 第四章称呼语语用失误与跨文化交际。本章总结了称呼语探讨关于跨文化交际的启示,俄语论文范文,俄语毕业论文,旨在提高人们正确使用称呼语的能力,促进文化交流、增进友谊。
Address forms, which are very common phenomena in daily life and universal across cultures, integrate linguistic symbols with various factors in social cultures, pragmatics, and psychology. It is the comprehensive analysis from various perspectives that could explore the nature of address forms and the rules of proper use of them.Address forms, as important tools in information exchange and communication, play significant role in verbal communication. Their cultural and pragmatic functions are embodied in profound cultural characteristics, language structures and code transition, and rules of politeness. The use of address forms contributes to the promotion of cultural exchange and enhancement of friendship.The thesis falls into 4 chapters.Chapter One is the introduction to address forms study reviewing the history of address forms study and discussing the relevant theoretical problems, study purposes and methodology.Chapter Two makes a comprehensive analysis on the cultural functions of address forms exploring the influence of patriarchal clan system, ethic ideology and values system.Chapter Three highlights the pragmatic functions of address forms in the form of language structures, code transition and rules of politeness.Chapter Four discusses the interaction between address forms and cross-cultural communication and comes to the conclusion of improving using ability of address forms with the purpose to promote cultural exchange and friendship. |