The German enterprise human resources management and development-Including Germany, the United State[德语论文]

资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-23

The German enterprise human resources management and development

This site from date will be published in the special series "enterprise human resources management and development". Including Germany, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, China and other countries and regions. "Learning from others, may attack the jade." Achieve growth pattern change is key to speed up science and technology revolution and improve their quality. Hope the series of the article to the business community and business to widen will be helpful.

Because of the social system and cultural background of the influence of such factors, countries enterprise management of the human resources of the each have its characteristics. In Germany, throughout the enterprise human resources management is one of the important thoughts on human nature management, respect employees its value, and give them to participate in the management of power, emphasize individual and enterprise the cooperation. The employment system, in the enterprise labor coordinate system, employees involved in the management system, and vocational training system have fully manifested (1).

A, Germany enterprise's employment system

Germany the basic law article 12, paragraph 1: "all germans were have the freedom to choose professional, jobs and training place right." According to the basic principle, Germany has long maintained "free choice" policy. Business owners or managers shall have the right to according to the actual need of work by itself, and recruitment or to fire workers. I also have a choice employees work of freedom. The company and the employee "two-way choice" Germany free enterprise system is the core content of employment. The company and the job workers after two-way choice consensus, job seekers fill in application form, physical examination after qualified, become our employee.

Be worth what carry is, in order to in the enterprise and employee "two-way choice" process finally achieve the priciples "purpose, avoid personal due to the objective factors affect subjective ability of the play, the German labor bureau special at all levels provide employment guidance the service. The German labor bureau as a public institution, the aim is to each to the people of service, the way and try to make various completely satisfy the needs of the applicants. Employment guidance work, the key is that, on one hand should correct understanding of the applicant's subjective and objective desire, on the other hand, we should find out the applicant physical condition, intelligence, personality, hobbies, and interpersonal relation, etc, and the related is clear in considering range of each profession what specific requirements, and presence of development outlook, and then provide guidance. Employment guidance daily work includes a comprehensive introduction of career choice, vocational training of the many kinds of ways, all kinds of professional and its development tendency (the professional direction problem), etc. Employment guidance is not responsible for the implementation of professional help selected after problems, which help training posts, assist to handle introduced all kinds of procedure and so on. Employment guidance has a set of scientific methods of work. First of all by labor bureau of national vocational institute subordinate to the, the labor market and in international and professional to flow to the present situation and development ,德语论文德语毕业论文
