
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-23

摘 要:藉助德语中一种特殊的“框形结构”的句子形式,说明语言句子里的秩序的完满性以及这种完满性所表现出的思维逻辑性。以论证哲学家维特根斯坦的命题“我们语言里的每个句子现在这样子就挺合适”和“在最含混的句子里也一定藏着完满的秩序”语言中现在句子的形式就是世界和思想共同具有的种种可能性的秩序。发现并领会语言里的这种秩序具有重要价值,因为要使句子具有意义就必得使它有一种完满的秩序。


Abstract::This paper tries to illustrate the perfectness and the logic of this perfectness in the sen-tences by means of explaining the uncommon "frame-structure" in German grammar. Two famousstatements made by philosopher Wittgenstein are proved in the paper, i.e. "In our language, everysentence is proper now",  and "There is a perfect order hidden in the most ambiguous sentence".Thus, the current sentence forms have the order probably existing in both the natural and spiritualworlds. It is of great significance to learn and to find out this order in our practical language, for onlyby owning the perfect ,德语论文范文德语论文范文
