
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

十九世纪末二十世纪初的欧洲社会正派历着伟大的变更,本钱主义的工业文明招致延续了几个世纪的以基督教教义为最高断定尺度的价值系统的崩塌,物欲主义、吃苦主义、消极主义、颓丧主义覆盖了全部东方社会,这时候,开端风行的非感性主义哲学很好地归结了这类时期精力,又进一步滋长了人们的消极情感和危机感,在这类“世纪末”颓丧精力漫溢的文明前提下发生出来的唯美主义和意味主义文学,不再信守传统的感性准绳,而是崇敬非感性、天性和潜认识;也不再执着地去追随幻想和美妙事物,而是热中于描述人与社会的畸形、病态和凌乱。“逝世亡”成为其时文学中常被描写的主题。在这类文学著作中,人的感性内容被抽闲后,注入了非感性内容,“人”的抽象和传统美学不雅也就产生了质的变更。由此东方文学开端了汗青性的转机,唯美主义和意味主义成了古代主义文学的前驱。唯美主义具有内涵的、关闭的偏向,常常站在小我主义的价值立场,其把艺术看做是阔别生涯的乌托邦,为艺术而艺术的理念被广泛以为是虚张声势,无病嗟叹,而缺少较高的文学价值遭到批评和疏忽,理查德·贝尔·霍夫曼(Richard Beer-Hofmann)的一部晚期著作《格奥尔格之逝世》恰是在这个配景之下,于1900年出书,因其没有故工作节,跨越半本艰涩难明的认识流描述,在文学界一向被定性为空泛的唯美主义文学。固然贝尔·霍夫曼与其石友阿图尔·施尼茨勒(Arthur Schnitzler)和胡戈·冯·霍夫曼斯塔尔(Hugo von Hofmannsthal)异样被以为是维也纳古代派的主要代表人物,但是他和他的著作直到如今照样被后者的光线所掩饰,在文艺评论界也很少被说起和研究。经由笔者的研究发明,贝尔.霍夫曼的这部著作《格奥尔格之逝世》并不是唯美主义文学,或许说唯美其实不是它的真正目标地点。这部著作分为四章,个中跨越三章的内容都是认识流描述,实际与梦乡赓续交叠,特殊是在开篇两章仿佛是纯洁的唯美主义描述,然则细心浏览和剖析事后会发明,这类唯美艺术作风描述实际上是一种锐意的模拟,为其最初批评唯美主义如许的终究目标办事。但弗成否定的是贝尔·霍夫曼起首是一名具有精深技巧的唯美艺术家。逝世亡是贯串这个著作的主题,也是著作宗旨升华最主要的推进力。本文的重要内容是研究贝尔·霍夫曼对逝世亡的艺术化描述,及逝世亡景象对主人公从崇尚唯美主义向批评唯美主义改变的进程起到的感化,这个进程是主人公也同时是作者对逝世亡景象和与之相干的病痛,孤单和晚年的商量,对这些作为性命边沿体验的商量又恰是对性命和人类本身的反思。这部著作其实不是像传统评论的那样浅易无用,而是具有很深的哲学意义,它全部表现的性命哲学与尼采的哲学理念根本分歧。基督教的品德不雅念其本质就是欧洲感性派的传统品德不雅念,其抹杀了人奇特的性命力和原始的天性激动,抹杀了自在和发明性,令人麻痹不仁。以这类品德为尺度的文明必定是颓丧的文明。尼采曾地下宣布:“天主逝世了”,实际上是请求对传统品德价值的重估,解救日趋颓丧的人类。而贝尔·霍夫曼在这部著作里也表现了如许的论调,唯美主义是摆脱了传统的约束,但它的价值系统是小我主义的,疏忽实际,照样麻痹不仁,是以他从世俗角度为逝世亡景象正名,为其时一切的正处在渺茫凌乱中的人们找到性命的真实意义地点,贝尔·霍夫曼与尼采一样具有批评精力,其深奥的性命哲学思惟充足表现在这部小说里,具有划时期的意义。


At the end of nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century European society is experiencing great changes, the capitalist industrial civilization has lasted for centuries by Christian doctrines as the scale of the highest value system that collapse, materialism, hedonism, pessimism, decadent doctrine covers all of the Oriental society, at this time, began to pop irrational philosophy well the energy this period, and further increase the negative emotions and people's sense of crisis, it happened in this kind of "century" when the overflowing energy civilization under the premise of aestheticism and symbolism in literature, no longer abide by the traditional principle of sensibility, but respect nature and non emotional, subconscious also; no longer stick to follow fantasy and wonderful things, but devoted to the description of the people and the society, sick and messy deformity. "Death" is a subject that is often described in the literature. In this kind of literature works, the emotional content of human being has been pumped into the non emotional content, the abstract and the traditional aesthetics of "human" has produced a qualitative change. The beginning of the history of Oriental Literature turn, aestheticism and symbolism became the precursor ancient literature. Aestheticism has the connotation, close the bias, often stands in the value of the position of individualism, the art is seen as career after an absence of Utopia, for art and art concept is widely thought to be the bluff, disease-free moan, and the lack of higher value of literature criticism and negligence, a late work in the Richard beer Hofmann (Richard Beer-Hofmann) the Georg died "is exactly under this background, in 1900 book, because there is no stories across half the abstruse difficult to understand the knowledge flow description, in the literary world has always been characterized as vague aestheticism literature. While Bell Hoffman and his friends Artur Schnitzler (Schnitzler Arthur) and Hugo von Hofmannathal (von Hofmannsthal Hugo) was considered to be the main representative of the ancient school of Vienna, but he and his works until now is still being concealed by the latter, in the literary critics have rarely been mentioned and studied. Through to discover the author's research, bell. Hoffman's works "Georg died" and not aestheticism literature, perhaps say beautiful in fact is not the real target location. The work is divided into four chapters, medium across the contents of the third chapter are understanding flow description, actual sleep is ceaseless and overlap, especially in the opening two chapters as pure aestheticism description, however carefully reading and analysis will later invention. This kind of aesthetic artistic style description is actually a forge simulation, work for the initial criticism of aestheticism, such as the ultimately goal. But undeniable is that Bell Hoffman first is a beautiful artist has profound skills. The death is through the theme of his works, works is the main purpose of sublimation propulsion. An important content of this paper is description of research Bell Hoffman art of death, and death scene of the protagonist from advocate of aestheticism to the criticism of aestheticism change process plays a role, the process is the protagonist is also is author of death death scene and coherent with the pain, loneliness and old age to discuss, on these as the edge of life experience to discuss it is exactly the reflection of life and human itself. This novel actually simple is not like a traditional comment as useless, but with a deep philosophical meaning, it displays all of the life philosophy and Nietzsche's philosophy fundamental differences. Christian moral indecent read its essence is the European sensibility to send the traditional moral concept, obliterate their unique life force and original nature excited, denied the freedom and creativity, it is callousness. To this kind of character as the scale of civilization must be decadent civilization. Nietzsche once underground announced: "God died", is actually request reassessment of traditional moral values, save human increasingly depressed. And Bell Hoffman in the Ministry of works also showed such argument, aestheticism is from the traditional constraints, but its value system is the individualism, the actual neglect, still callousness, is to him from a secular perspective death death scene name, when everything is in slim messy people find the life the true meaning of place, Bell Hoffman and Nietzsche as with critical spirit, the profound life philosophy thought adequate performance in the novel, with epoch-making significance.

