
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Along with the social development and the process of globalization continuously promote, different countries, different languages and cultural differences between the exchange and cooperation in the increasingly frequent, contact is becoming more and more rigorous. As to speak of civilization and spread, the translator plays an important role in today's society side. The translation movement and our daily life more and more attention to each other. However, with writers, painters and other artists differences, the translator's position is often valued, the translator's results are often not recognized by the rest. They are usually referred to as hand rest rather than an artist. In the eyes of many people is a symbol of pure translation only speech conversion. The duty of the translator is the original words and phrases and the corresponding words in exchange for the concept of the target language. But the reality is not so. Like a lot of artistic creation and movement of translation, especially literary translation is a difficult task to give full play to the translator, confusion of the ability to complete. The special resolution of literary texts, and the translation must be the intrinsic aesthetic value with original style. How in language system and cultural background and readers expect different target language to reproduce the characteristics of the original, and make the target language readers a glimpse of the source text and source culture essence, depending from the subjectivity of the translator could stop translation theory invention. Based on the "invention" in literary translation is a topic, introducing research results through the invention of useless, combined with actual translation, literary translation has full demonstration movement is highly creative. Through the process of introducing Franz Kuhn semantic translation version of "a dream of Red Mansions" practical examples, from the name translation, translation surfaces, poetry and couplets translation from three aspects of analysis of the Kuhn's translation strategy of invention, and reach the consequences and confirmed in the process of literary translation, the translator break through tradition, cast sufficient invention of rationality and necessity.


摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   Wichtigc Abkiirzungen   6-7   1. Einleitung   7-10       1.1 Zur Wahl des Forschungsgegenstands   7-9       1.2 Aufbau der Arbeit   9-10   2. Zum Wesen des Ubersetzens   10-20       2.1 Was ist Ubersetzen   11-16       2.2 Das literarisehe Ubersetzen   16-20   3. Zum Wesen der Kreativitiit   20-25       3.1 Der Begriff Kreativitat im Wandel der Zeit   20-21       3.2 Die Definitional dcr Kreativitat   21-25   4. Zur Kreativitat in dem literarischen Ubersetzen   25-36       4.1 Die kreative Person   26-27       4.2 Der Ubersetzer als kreative Person   27-30       4.3 Der kreative Prozess   30-32       4.4 Das Ubersetzen als kreativer Prozess   32-33       4.5 Das kreative Produkt   33-34       4.6 Die Ubersetzung als kreatives Produkt   34-36   5. Zur Ubersetzungsanalyse von Franz Kuhns "Der Traum der roten Kammer"   36-59       5.1 Franz Kuhn und seine Ubersetzung   36-39           5.1.1 Lebcnslauf von Franz Kuhn   36-37           5.1.2 "Hongloumeng" und scin deuseher Ubersetzer Franz Kuhn   37-39       5.2 Kreativitat in Kuhns Ubersetzung "Der Traum der roten Kammer"   39-59           5.2.1 Das kreative Ubersetzen der Namen der Figuren   39-45      Das Ubersetzen der Namen dureh lautliehe Transkription   39-42      Das Ubersetzen der Namen nach Bedeutungen(Paraphrase)   42-45           5.2.2 Das kreative Ubersetzen des Aussehens der Figuren   45-52      Die selektiven Ubersetzungen des Aussehens   47-48      Die zusammenfassenden Ubersetzungen des Aussehens   48-49      Die Wort-fur-Wort- Ubersetzung des Aussehens   49-52           5.2.3 Das kreative Ubersetzen der altchinesischen Gedichte und Reimpaare   52-59      Die Form der chinesischen Gediehte   53-54      Die direkte Ubersetzung   54-55      Die kombinierende Ubersetzung   55-56      Die schopterische Ubersetzung   56-59   6. Schlusswort   59-62   Literaturverzeiehnis   62-64   Internetquellen   64-65   攻读学位期间的探讨成果   65-66   Danksagung   66-68  
