
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The deformation as the theme of literary works is long-standing, its meaning extended continuously in literary works. German writer Takazu Dayoko, a German writer, also touched on the subject. This paper use ancient practice, discuss the poetic deformation as a literary game in Yoko Tawada German works represented in detail and deep meaning. And Tian leaves for the number of both native to German creation of overseas female writers, literary researchers on the German music workshops more from the perspective of cross-cultural hands-on, discuss heterogeneous culture influence on Ta Wata works; although have individual research pointed out that the syncope after Gudet color, but there is not enough open. Innovation of this paper is that future ancient games as the starting point, with Thomas ANZ proposed game five levels of, separation of multi field and multi department representative works to stop the match in the round with meticulous analysis and peculiar interpretations, made a new attempt to understand and research and field leaves the German works. After the ancient literature is the Second World War after the emergence of the Oriental society in the scale of general literature. On the one hand, after the ancient doctrine is the growth of the ancient doctrine and extended to the ancient doctrine of anti traditional literature test; on the other hand, modernism is the defection and the rupture of the ancient doctrine, says the ancient writers abandon content and situation of ancient literature in an attempt to. With the ancient doctrine has a contact cheek by jowl is post structuralism and deconstruction, on behalf of the actual home Derrida, Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard and so on. The important characteristics of the ancient literature after the game, diversity, intertextuality, uncertainty, true and false, abandon the so-called final value and medium game is the ancient literature mainly labeled. Thomas Anz had been in his paper "the game was out of date?" After modernism concept of the game is bustling and parting, "presented in six aspects, discuss the game in ancient practice so attractive reasons. This thesis in introduced the transformation of themes from the modern to the ancient literary works in the evolution and growth, Ta Wata in the speeches of the deformation, on the deformation of the poetic indecent point, focusing on analysis and field "from the mother tongue to mother's speech", "strange canned in", "bath", "Chinese Dictionary" and the European from where start "five works, separation analysis of diversification of these works in the performance of the game is a game of the bound, the game open, allude to the game, simulation game and the game of interest. First is the speech distortion. Multi and Tian think, speak of deformation or speaking games is a mother bound and renewal, as long as in ceaseless bound and the rebirth occurs poetic space. The second is the analysis of the relationship between the symbol and meaning and the deformation of the initial emergence of the text. Multi field on the one hand, remove the meaning of symbols and the differences, on the other hand also abandoned the seek eternal truth with the same. The protagonist ceaselessly opened the package, only to find that the outside of the package is still packing, such open and game at the beginning of the show know structure doctrine and the focus of the ancient doctrine of indecent point. The third is from the text of the deformation in the story, conclusions can be obtained: the myth of "bath" not only allude to the Japanese in the eighteenth century literary stories of transformation, but also allude to the oriental literature, namely the Medusa deformation story. The blank game is not only a kind of classical bondage, but also enhance the reader a better understanding of the works. The fourth section tries to analyze the relationship between translation and simulation games through the process of multi - and field poetry. In Hotan view, the chapeau of translation is a deformation process, this process is not from the source to talk to talk to, but the original can expand and potential. On the other hand, translation is a simulation game, through the process of recombinant speech sinks, digestion, vaguely actual and imagination occurred new aesthetic space. First through the process of analysis of narrative methods and fields of prose works concluded: Tian and broke the traditional narrative methods and application of the continuous, fragments of narrative game, which happens to also model of ancient literature narrative methods. Also, in this paper also analyses the game entertainment like letters deformation, notes the Hetian left the old world, into the new idea and thought. This paper pointed out that in the German works of Yoko Tawada, poetic deformation is an open and pluralistic process of change, this kind of change produced in the field and thought that she with the eye of a game to treat things, this process also shows the ancient doctrine of gameplay. Takazu Dayoko hand to break the established speaking habits and thinking method, on the other hand but don't want to overstep the limit or establish civilization and speak the bridge between Europe and Japan, due to the disorder of the diversification of talk and civilization. More than just want to stay on the boundaries of the field to enjoy talking, civilization, thinking of the deformation of the fun.

