
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The Second World War ended, beginning in the ruins in the wake of German literature. The Federal Republic of Germany appeared a large number of writers, they bear the political responsibility, in the literary works of their own analysis of social problems. For them, the Federal Republic of Germany after World War II to discuss about the past achievements laid down for cleaning, they must carry out the responsibility. Heinrich burr is one of A. Many of his early works are to show the past from the perspective of practical criticism, as the novel "half past nine billiards". In this paper, a practical framework of personal memory, and in the family memory and the reality of the ceremony, the basic analysis of the novel Fimmel family of family memory performance. In the novel Fimmel a in the postwar era declined like the people around, soon forget the past, especially forget those who died in battle damage and Nazi victims. However, they feel paralyzed, and not truly from the heart of the past and a stop back. They are bound to be confined to the memory of their own rituals, and they are indifferent to each other. Each of them has their own memories, with other family members rarely, and even without. The family did not coincide with the family to the ceremony, their memory method of ordinary heart monologue, or non family members and conversation, to them discussed in the past. Because the three generations have different experiences, is to their past and now will make a difference. All of the above has caused the family's personal knowledge can not constitute a. The author thinks, the past of the family means the trauma and guilt, they kind of not from the heart really involved in the memory, is to present a conscious contradiction. As long as the ability to make them close to each other, after all, go out in the past, to the future, which is just the beginning of the novel implied.


摘要   4   Abstract   5-7   Danksagung   7-8   Inhaltsverzeichnis   8-10   1. Einleitung   10-16   2. Theoretische Grundlage   16-29       2.1. Das kollektive Ged chtnis   16-18       2.2. Das kommunikative Ged(a|..)chtnis und das kulturelle Ged(a|..)chtnis von Jan und Aleida Assman   18-20       2.3. Das Familienged(a|..)chtnis und das Generationenged(a|..)chtnis   20-23       2.4. Ritual und Erinnerung   23-29           2.4.1 Ritualtheorie–Eine Skizzierung   23-27           2.4.2. Familienritual und Familienged(a|..)chtnis   27-29   3. Die Abtei als Tr(a|..)ger der Vergangenheit von Familie F(a|..)hmel   29-37       3.1. Der Gro vater–Aufbau der Abtei   29-33       3.2. Der Sohn-Zerst(o|..)rung der Abtei   33-34       3.3. Der Enkel: beabsichtigter Wiederaufbau der Abtei   34-37   4. Familie ohne gemeinsame Erinnerung   37-54       4.1. Die getrennten Erinnerungen der jeweiligen Familienmitglieder   37-44           4.1.1. Die Erinnerung von der (a|..)ltesten Genertation   37-41      Die Erinnerung von Heinrich F hmel   37-40      Die Erinnerung von Johanna F hmel   40-41           4.1.2. Die Erinnerung von der mittleren Generation: Robert F(a|..)hmel   41-42           4.1.3. Die Erinnerung von der jüngsten Generation: Josef F(a|..)hmel   42-44       4.2. Die “unbeteiligte” Erinnerung   44-50           4.2.1. Gefangen in der Vergangenheit   45-47           4.2.2. Erinnerung ohne Kommunikation   47-49           4.2.3. Ritualisierte Erinnerung   49-50       4.3. Hoffnungsschimmer auf die Zukunft   50-54           4.3.1. Anfang der Kommunikationen   50-51           4.3.2. Familientreffen bei der Geburtstagsfeier Heinrich F(a|..)hmels   51-54   5. Schlusswort   54-56   Literaturverzeichnis   56-58  
