
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Anna Seegers is a worldwide anti fascist writers, democratic German literature lay people, she occupied the unshakable position in the history of German literature in twentieth Century with great criticism of realism works. Seghers to triple identity of Jews, Communists and left-wing writers involved in Germany the most troubled period of history, namely a war, World War II and the "two German" break times. Seghers in literary attainments focused in novels and short stories, in order to encourage German nationals rejected fascism and class oppression, seek plain near the main and freedom. As a female writer, Seegers created a large number of female characters. These roles from the age, identity to temperament, recognize shapes are severally, however they are career in the war in Germany or Europe, regardless of how their hard struggle and selection, desperate or bitter guard, confrontation or obey, self deception to stay out of or bold investment history flood, their fate is like in the meantime colorful characters of microcosm, spell out fighting a truly atrocious weather. Fugitive on the female of the group, Seghers also wrote describing her eyes "most common": in men with Xpress Kan to complete itself fantasy faith of the moment, the woman next to them is often people who in the homecoming of resolution never the right to speak, her husband to attend the moment silently suffered great pressure, first with the children and luggage in a strange and noisy countries but also to any complaints immediately start planning a family life, women in this struggle is indispensable role. This paper to the German ancient history of literature rare "literary" Battle Theme for basic theory, to the late girls hiking "," Reunion ", the Agat Schweigelt, the reed pipe" four short stories, for example, analysis of Seghers pen of the female characters in the model abstraction, trying to in order to discuss writers of women in combat suffered, and play the role and with the writer himself in combat experience and thus constitute a to fight opinion approached up, analysis the reason and thought of the author. This paper intends to take text analytics analysis and comparative research methods summed up.


Danksagung   4-5   论文摘要   5   Abstract   6-8   1. Einleitung   8-10       1.1 Motivation und Zielsetzung   8-9       1.2 Forschungsstand und Forschungsmethode   9-10       1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit   10   2. Theoretische Grundlage   10-16       2.1 Begriffsbestimmung Kriegsliteratur“ und Antikriegsliteratur“   10-12       2.2 Antikriegsroman – Im Westen nichts Neues“ als Beispiel   12-16   3. Anna Seghers und ihre Einstellung zum Krieg   16-23       3.1 Leben und Werke von Anna Seghers   16-19       3.2 Seghers im Krieg und ihre Einstellungen   19-23   4. Frauengestalten in Anna Seghers′Erz hlungen   23-55       4.1 Das Panorama - Der Ausflug der toten M dchen“   23-36           4.1.1 über das Werk   23-28           4.1.2 K mpferinnen des Kriegs   28-31           4.1.3 Komplizen des Kriegs   31-34           4.1.4 Opfer des Kriegs   34-36       4.2 Unterstützende Kraft - Wiederbegegnung“   36-41           4.2.1 über das Werk   36-37           4.2.2 Charakteranalyse der Frauenfigur Celia“   37-41       4.3 Mutterbild in Agathe Schweigert“   41-48           4.3.1 über das Werk   41-45           4.3.2 Charakteranalyse der Frauenfigur Agathe“   45-48       4.4 Verliebte Frauen in Das Schilfrohr“   48-55           4.4.1 über das Werk   48-50           4.4.2 Charakteranalyse der Frauenfigur Marta“   50-55   5. Schlusswort   55-58   Literaturverzeichnis   58-62  
