
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Along with the rapid growth of the economy of our country builds, modern society for foreign language professionals with the nature and common sense structure put forward higher request. Foreign language teaching in higher vocational colleges pay more attention to the cultivation of the language and the ability to use the language. Therefore, foreign language teachers not as long as the sponsor Mr. to practice the dark control foreign language knowledge, should also attach importance to bring up Mr. speak diplomatic skills. Foreign language teaching method has a long history, foreign language teaching method discussion later in our foreign language teaching reform has a very important significance. Foreign language teaching methods of teaching, the project is a single. Faced with many teaching method factions, how to select the most useful, most can display their teachers' and students' role in the teaching method has always been argued that many of the foreign language teaching task of core performance. In fact, just we will all kinds of teaching method for comparative analysis, it is not good that they have their own strengths, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, we should shelter in our foreign language teaching reality without the confined to one faction, to absorb the merits of others, in accordance with the requirements of the different stages, different teaching objects and differences of teaching, adopting a different approach to teaching. This also requires each excellent foreign language teachers, need to all kinds of teaching method has be familiar with, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses in order to rise ceaselessly oneself foreign language teaching degree. In foreign language teaching, teachers should shelter in itself the teaching theory, tries to find out the suitable for their own foreign language teaching method system, constitute their own unique language teaching form. According to the higher vocational talents makes objective and our German taught facing the brain create obligations, combined with teaching theory, we found the method of translation and foreign combination is suitable vocational German teaching the effective teaching method. Translation value studying grammar, can deepen Mr. of the target language understand, but neglect the speaking skills practice, cannot well makes Mr. diplomatic skills. And diplomatic law attach importance to bring up Mr. foreign diplomatic skills, diplomacy can control is the goal of speaking practice, but sometimes it is difficult to superstition to reconcile the relationship between basic knowledge of diplomatic skills and grammar and the teachers request is very high, with the implementation of the difficulty is very big. Therefore, these two methods should be applied in the teaching of foreign language teaching in higher vocational colleges, and make up for each other. In this paper, the two compared to a representative of the teaching method, the traditional translation method and popular foreign law, stop the description, comparison and analysis. Status of the joint international and foreign language teaching research, on the basis of Higher Vocational Colleges by Mr. German professional train objective and teaching features. The traditional and ancient teaching method is combined with the comprehensive teaching method is put forward in this paper. In higher vocational language teaching, translation method and communicative approach teaching result is what absolute advantage? How better to use foreign language teaching method stop vocational German teaching? This is the research target location. Its theoretical significance lies in the fact that the translation method and communicative approach in Vocational German teaching combination is feasible and useful and consistent after vocational German teaching in practical situations. This paper in Shandong Province Youth Management Cadre Institute by German professional as an example, through the process of teachers and the professional school students stop questionnaire visits and individual interviews and other methods, summary of research, puts forward the teaching method combined in higher vocational language teaching theory achievement on thinking and suggestions.

