
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Always speaks to migration scene -- also known as cross linguistic influence, the study is touched the first language and the second language. This paper describes the L2 migrations in three languages, English as second language for third to speak German learning effect. Research object this study selected at the beginning of learning third and talk at the same time, also continued in the second language learning, this study will assess them in learning the language, because the second language to practice the dark level and second language contact time of the length of the differences, and the formation of the second language in language learning sideways differences affect, a detailed representation in pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and discourse. We according to the second language to practice the dark level to compete and second language contact time length will be subject to try Mr. were divided into three groups, the researchers brings together the subjects of vernacular materials testing, exercises and problems, to a classification and uses the Stata software to the data the statistical analysis, and comes to a conclusion in language learning, learning second language level and language contact time differences, second language of third language learning effects in speech. The vocabulary, syntax and discourse also endless and identical. The hope that this study may support the foreign language teachers to the differences in the three language learning process has a deeper understanding, more focused on the teaching of teaching, thus improving the effectiveness and degree of teaching.


内容提要   4-5   Synopsis   5   摘要   6-9   Abstract   9-15   Introduction   15-17   Chapter 1 Literature Review   17-22       1.1 Conceptualization   17-19           1.1.1 Language Learning vs. Language Acquisition   17-18           1.1.2 Bilingual Majors and Two-Foreign-Language Program   18           1.1.3 Error Analysis   18-19       1.2 Previous Studies of L2 Transfer in L3 Learning   19-22           1.2.1 Studies Abroad   19-20           1.2.2 Studies in China   20-22   Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology   22-31       2.1 Theoretical Framework   22-28           2.1.1 The Definition of Language Transfer   22-23           2.1.2 Variables that Affect Transfer   23-28       2.2 Research Methodology   28-31           2.2.1 Research Questions   28-29           2.2.2 Participants   29           2.2.3 Research Tasks   29-31   Chapter 3 Representations of L2 Transfer in L3 Learning   31-44       3.1 Phonetic Transfer   31-36           3.1.1 Vowels   31-32           3.1.2 Consonants   32-36           3.1.3 Combinations   36       3.2 Lexical Transfer   36-39           3.2.1 Grammatical Transfer at Lexical Level   36-38           3.2.2 Non-grammatical Transfer at Lexical Level   38-39       3.3 Syntactic Transfer   39-42           3.3.1 Word Order in Assertive Sentences   39-41           3.3.2 Word Order in Negative Sentences   41-42       3.4 Discoursal Transfer   42-44   Chapter 4 A Quantitative Analysis of Data Collected   44-50       4.1 A Quantitative Analysis of the Data   44-48           4.1.1 The Total Number of Errors   44-45           4.1.2 Number of Phonetic Errors   45-46           4.1.3 Number of Lexical Errors   46-47           4.1.4 Number of Syntactic Errors   47-48           4.1.5 Number of Discoursal Transfer   48       4.2 Findings and Discussions   48-50   Conclusion   50-52   References   52-56   Appendix 1   56-58   Appendix 2   58-60   Appendix 3   60-63   Acknowledgements   63-64   导师及作者简介   64  
