
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

The research source in the German language advanced civilization in the future to learn a foreign language and the period background strengths, to each other instead of the reality, intended to discuss how the exercise scenario via the process of law in China's German undergraduate basic stage complete foreign language German Jin Xiuwen Ming of cross-cultural collaborative. In the proposed by Adler civilization collaborative three pace as a way of pointing basically, through the process with German foreign language learning civilization in their respective reasonable ingredient rich each other, restrain and reduce their adverse element, the waiting in teacher role, Mr. role, teaching auxiliary materials and classroom organization forms many complete German language advanced civilization of cross-cultural collaboration. This paper consists of preface, five chapters, conclusion, annotated bibliography and Appendix A. In the preface, mainly introduces the topic, research achievements, the research object. The definition, research status, research methods and thesis structure. In the real sector, this paper discussed the concept of the research focus of a learning culture and cross-cultural collaborative and coherent actual discussed (Chapter one). Based on this, in this paper, the application of the construction of foreign language learning civilization four layer structure form separation set out from the perspective of their own civilization and description of the external structure of China's foreign language education civilization (Chapter 2) and the German new foreign language advanced civilization (the third chapter) and the complete cross-cultural collaborative opportunities scene exercise method to carry on the elaboration (Chapter 4). In empirical research department (Chapter 5), this thesis through the classroom not observations and interviews with teachers and students of scene exercise method, implement the situation stopped comprehensive assessment. On the scene drill master student interviews, the on scene exercise method, basic German language classes in the classroom theory stopped case study and put forward detailed suggestions for improvement in without weakening of foreign language on both sides of the Sino German advanced civilization unconscious basically, start from the level of faculty on scene exercise method, as a German language learn civilized cross-cultural collaborative opportunities in the next basic German language classes and theory. In the theoretical study and empirical research basically, this thesis proposes form German civilization cross-cultural cooperative foreign language learning. In the theoretical study and empirical research basically, this paper draws the following conclusions: (a) the external structure of foreign language learning can help form civilization four stop description. The relationship between all levels of structure in the four layer is not one-way, but the interaction of infiltration. In addition to the external structure, the internal representation of foreign language learning and culture. In the description of foreign language learning culture, people should also be other features and learning culture. (II) cross-cultural collaboration and cross civilization with rigorous content approached, cross civilization has the positive side is the cross-cultural cooperative potential of the positive role. Hand, civilization Wierlacher proposed cross civilization know five significance level and Adler describes collaborative step three forms with similar to the Miao; on the other hand, the cross-cultural and collaborative relationship and are complementary to each other. (III) to learn a foreign language Chinese civilization and China to learn civilization with rigorous contact: both in terms of learning concept, teaching roads, teaching principle, teacher role, teacher-student relationship and teaching materials appears higher consistency, and with Professor Oriental foreign teaching support there is a difference in many aspects. (IV) Nadu communicative teaching and the Anglo Saxon as a representative of the Oriental Foreign Teaching on the basic idea and the typical characteristic with high consistency. However, because of the traditional teaching and learning foreign language is the reality of the impact, both showed a certain degree of difference. Compared to Chinese EFL advanced civilization, the new German foreign language training outside the civilization structure among various levels with double cheek by jowl connotation approached. (five) a scene exercise law manifests the substance of the characteristics of the new German foreign learning civilization, on the other hand it is easy to receive the absolute Chinese learning civilization. Because the exercise scenario method is only in the form of a drill, and not to foreign language teaching stop tear down the reconstruction renovation is to achieved fruitful and make up for the new German foreign language study of civilization, and at the same time, but also make the civilization of our country to learn a foreign language without beneficial ingredients can be preserved. (6) German undergraduate basic stage basic German language classes "classroom organization situation", "classroom speech", "the teacher role", "Mr. role" and "Supplementary information and practical departments in Chinese EFL advanced civilization of coherent states with higher ambiguity, and with the German new foreign language learn civilized existence certain difference. (seven) the implementation of the law in the exercise scene of German professional undergraduate basic stage of basic German language classes exactly with a difficult and results will need in the future, in the theory of continuous exploration. Through process of ceaseless effort, we can wait in the role of the teacher, Mr. role, teaching materials and classroom organization situation with scene exercise method to complete the German language advanced civilization of cross-cultural collaboration, for the civilization of Chinese language learning to win a new, rated the quality of living and belonging. In summary, important to the performance of the academic value of this thesis and research innovation in the following aspects: (a) civilization of foreign language learning is a highly complex scenes. The test structure of four layer construction on its external structure description. In this category, this thesis is a new interdisciplinary, test. In addition, this paper also describes the first new German foreign learning civilization external structure and for the first time in German professional as the research background of Chinese stopped learning civilization. (two) cross-cultural collaboration is the hot economic category in the Department of speech, in the view of education is still relatively uncommon. This paper first carried on the empirical research in this field, and in the actual research and empirical research basically describes the Sino German Cooperative Learning civilization cross civilization form. (3) in the research methods, this paper in empirical research departments test comprehensive application of various research means, such as quantitative, indecent examine method, qualitative interview method, case study method and triangular mutual certification. (IV) followed taught at the level of international exchange continuously strengthened, because as a foreign language (EFL) advanced civilization differences and the formation of misunderstanding for granted. Teachers in Germany, the better geography solution Sino German as a foreign language (EFL) advanced civilization have made a certain contribution, and in the Chinese teaching, and to Germany to study the Chinese pure provides the certain reference.

