
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The development of electronic information technology has expanded the space of computer to help foreign language learning, which makes the teaching capital more diversified and the development of multi modal static collection platform represented by "Moodle". This paper aims to study the practical achievements of the "Moodle" platform for German studies. In this paper, the "Moodle" collection platform in the teaching of the application of the status quo and the relevant research to sort out, in this basically, analysis of the collection platform "Moodle" characteristics. In this paper from the empirical research method, choose nine with different professional backgrounds of the students to use the popular collection platform to learn German as the research object, application of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism theory, from the face of the learning motivation, learning methods and learning action so analysis of popular application of the collection platform to help study German the obtained results, the partial key points out the popular collection platform to help study German there are limitations and shortcomings. Then, the article combined empirical research to obtain the material, pointed out that the "Moodle" platform to help German learning to fill the lack of popular platform. Compared with the popular platform, Moodle platform in the aspects of the choice of learning content, learning process and learning guidance is more of the eve of the dexterity, can better meet the needs of Chinese students study German demand, so as to achieve a good learning results is proposed in this paper, the application of Moodle platform study German detailed strategy and wrist. Should not be overlooked is that collect the open platform also can make learning German who, in the face of the impact of "information flood. On the other hand, we emphasize" Moodle "platform to help study German must see this ancient hi-tech media" help "and the day after tomorrow it limited to collect help blend as well as teaching and traditional classroom teaching performance would still need to be further discussed.


Danksagung   5-6   摘要   6   Abstract   7-11   1 Einleitung   11-22       1.1 kurze Darstellung iiber Moodle und seine Anwendung imdeutschen und chinesischen Hochschulkontext   12-16       1.2 Der Forschungsstand zum Einsatz von Moodle beimDeutscherwerb   16-19       1.3 Zielsetzung und Fragestellung   19-20       1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit   20-22   2 Grundbegriffe und lemtheoretische Grundlagen   22-33       2.1 Begriffsbestimmungen   22-28       2.2 Lemtheoretische Ansatze zum webbasiertenFremdsprachenlernen   28-33   3 Empirische Untersuchung   33-42       3.1 Zielsetzung und Auswahl der Forschungsmethode   33-34       3.2 Ausgangssituation und Auswahl der Interviewteilnehmer   34-39       3.3 Fragenkatalog   39-40       3.4 Ablauf der Untersuchung   40-42   4 Zusammenfassung und problemenorientierte Analyse derUntersuchungsergebnisse   42-66       4.1 Zusammenfassung   42-47       4.2 Bewertungen der Lernaktivitaten aus lerntheoretischen Perspektiven   47-66   5 Konsequenzen fiir die Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Moodle beimDeutscherwerb   66-99       5.1 Strukturiertheit der Leminhalte   66-71       5.2 Vielfaltige Lernstoffe und Lernsituationen   71-74       5.3 Variable Gestaltung der Lernangebote   74-91       5.4 Rollenverstandnisse der Lehrperson   91-94       5.5 Schlussfolgerung und kritische Relfexion   94-99   Literaturverzeichnis   99-110   Lebenslauf   110  
