(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,德语论文网站,内容请直接查看目录。) 德语听力懂得才能在德语平常外交中具有相当主要的感化,是德语的“四会”才能--听、说、读、写中最主要、也是最基本的才能之一。但对于浩瀚外语进修者,特殊是中国的德语进修者来讲,因为器械方说话在说话学意义上词语形状、句法和语义构造差距较年夜,进修者所处的社会心识形状、文明气氛很不雷同,是以听力常常是中国德语进修者说话才能中最软弱的一环,听力教室教授教养后果经常没法使人满足,德语进修者的据说懂得才能经常得不到有用进步,全球“德福测验”中的听力测验成果证明了这一景象。这类种景象请求外语教授教养论研究加倍存眷中国的听力教室教授教养。本文以今朝国际出国速成班普遍采取的教材--《走遍德国》为样本,参照对浙江科技年夜学和其他高校德语进修者的教室实证不雅察,对《走遍德语》的听力资料及其所配演习停止综合剖析,联合不雅察中国德语进修者的德语听力教室教授教养的现状,以断定基于德语作为本国语教材《走遍德国》的听力教授教养能否真正能为其往后的外交办事。本文侧重阐释德语听力懂得的认知进程,并在接收国际前沿外语听力教授教养法和办法论实际的基本上,具体解读外语听力演习的各类类型和情势。本文运用质性评价和量化评价的办法对《走遍德国》教材中的听力教材和演习元素停止实证性剖析,并是以得出结论:《走遍德国》中包括的听力资料和演习与其所设定的教授教养目的和教授教养对象其实不吻合,其实用性遭到较年夜限制,以留学为目的中国德语进修者难以从中取得足够的、适合的听力资料和演习,是以没法真正地增进他们德语听力才能和战略的进步。 Abstract: It's a German "Sihui" -- to listening, speaking, reading and writing in the main and the most basic to one of the German listening ability is known in German usual diplomacy has very main effect. But a vast foreign language learners, especially Chinese German learners, because equipment speak in learning to talk sense words shape, syntactic and semantic structure gap is bigger, the study of social knowledge shape, culture atmosphere is very not identical is to listening is often in China study German speaking to the weakest link, listening classroom teaching result usually can't satisfy, German learners is said to be known are often useful progress, the global "Telford test listening test results prove this scene. This kind of picture requests the foreign language teaching discussion to pay close attention to the teaching of Chinese Listening Classroom teaching. In this paper, to the current international abroad generally adopt a crash course teaching material -- "traveled to Germany," as a sample, reference of Zhejiang University of science and technology and other colleges and universities German learners classroom empirical observations, to "walk along the German" listening materials and the exercise comprehensive analysis, joint indecent observes the Chinese German learners of German listening classroom teaching situation, in order to determine whether based on German as the Mandarin teaching materials of "travel around Germany, listening teaching can really can work for the subsequent diplomatic. This paper focuses on the cognitive process of German listening comprehension, and the teaching methods and approaches to the teaching of foreign language listening teaching practice. The application quality evaluation and quantitative evaluation way album Germany "in the teaching of listening materials and exercises element carries on the empirical analysis, and is to come to the conclusion:" throughout Germany, including the listening materials and exercises and set the teaching objectives and professor teaching object raising in fact does not match, in fact, use was greater restrictions, to study Chinese study German to the obtain sufficient and appropriate listening materials and exercises is to can't really improve the progress of their German listening skills and strategies. 目录: 内容提要 3 Zusammenfassung 4-6 1. Einleitung 6-12 2. Grundlegende Aspekte des fremdsprachlichen Horverstehens 12-27 2.1 Analyse des Horvorgangs 12-18 2.1.1 Horen,ein interaktiver Prozess 12-14 2.1.2 Linearitat des Horverstehensvorgangs 14-16 2.1.3 Speichern und Behalten 16-18 2.2 Aspekte der Didaktik des Horverstehens 18-27 2.2.1 Horverstehen und andere Fertigkeiten 18-19 2.2.2 Ziel der Horverstehensschulung 19-20 2.2.3 Verstehensabsicht,Hortexte und drei Verstehensebenen 20-22 2.2.4 Zum Einsatz geeigneter Verstehensstrategien 22-27 Aktivierung des Kontextwissens 23-24 Forderung wissensgesteuerter Verstehensprozesse 24-27 3. Typologie von Horubungen 27-35 3.1 Einteilung der Horverstehensubungen nach Dahlhaus 27-32 3.1.1 Ubungen vor dem Horen 27-29 3.1.2 Ubungen wahrend des Horens 29-31 3.1.3 Ubungen nach dem Horen 31-32 3.2 Die Progressionsstufung der Hortexte und der Horaufgaben 32-35 4. Empirische Untersuchung 35-55 4.1 Uber Lehrwerke und das Lehrwerk,,Passwort Deutsch\" 35-36 4.2 Horubungen in,,Passwort Deutsch\" 36-46 4.2.1 Ubersicht uber die gesamten Horaufgaben 36-37 4.2.2 Problematische Horaufgaben 37-46 Komponentenubungen,die nur Teilaspekte uben 37-38 Horaufgaben mit Textvorlage 38-41 Landeskundliche Themen und wenig alltagliche Textsorten 41-44 Texte mit Dialektsprechern uder Akzenten 44-46 4.3 Beispielanalyse 46-55 5. Schlussbemerkungen 55-57 6. Literaturverzeichnis 57-62 Danksagung 62 |