From the End of the3~(rd.) Century the End oF the2~(nd.) Centu(2)[德语论文]

资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

The Han Dynasty and ancient Rome China traditional science and separation is to speak Latin grammar creation era. This time, two people talk study are shown on the moral civilization highly valued, and grow up speaking and effect of this aspect in the development of moral civilization and rich middle night eve. But domestic and foreign scholars from the perspective of moral civilization, to the Han Dynasty and ancient Roman people speak indecent compared the academic discussion of results have not yet emerged. Is based on the text of all the correspondence principle, of Han Dynasty and Roman people on their moral civilization students back to receive the speech scene views conduct comparative studies. We hope that through the process of Han Dynasty and Roman character speak indecent of comparative study, the eve of the sketch in the 3rd century BC to the end of the at the end of the second century AD of the Han Dynasty and ancient Roman civilization and ethics talk of, more penetrating grasp, Oriental people speak cognitive and mental discipline of the personality characteristics and the difference place, in order to in the context of modern history of China in the East and in the cultural exchange in the presence of results supply to deal with thoughts and considerations. The Han Dynasty and Roman civilization and ethics at the end of the 3rd century BC to ad at the end of the 2nd century era of growth process abnormalities similar can be divided into four stages of growth, that Shun almost natural character indecent stage, loyal to King character not elegant, theology of loyalty and moral indecent stage and seek personal happiness character indecent stage. This paper is exactly according to bilateral moral civilization growth the similar characteristics in different stages of separation in the character of a particular stage of growth to the literature, philosophy, history and even to speak to learn to speak in the level of said situation research and comparative research, and eventually application al race are understanding the actual shape of the subject construction of actual indecent point, of Han Dynasty and Roman differences character indecent stage speak indecent constitute the connotation of mechanism research. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter of the logical character to indecent conduct comparative studies. "Shun almost natural character indecent in the official philosophy, literature, and speak level talk said situation separation conduct comparative studies after the invention, the official philosophy speaking ethical situation, and the ancient talk in the word, the relationship between know abnormal adjacent to, from speech essence theory" changed to "talk agreed on" improving speaking indecent. The comparative study of literature of the invention, the prosperous civilization thought on the expression to speak text put forward higher request, prompting the speaking situation is plain gorgeous trend emerged from. And the two summary of learning to speak works of "Ya" and "on the Latin" in a book, it is human civilization grows to must stage will be summarized. But the semantic properties of Chinese, because there are great differences in nature and shape of Latin speaking, so the study of two different training book bias and research contents of semantics and grammar. The second chapter of allegiance to a king of indecent conduct comparative studies of moral. Of allegiance to the king's moral indecent talk in the official philosophy, literature and history, the three levels of said comparison research situation stratification plane after the invention, in the level of official philosophy speak ethics regime have expressed similar to "speak the etymology of ancient essence theory" indecent, talk is regarded as the mystery object communication of heaven, the body position is also recognised. Literature face Han Nianye give Roman epic talking ethics expression comparison research situation after the invention of important said as the counterpart of language "hide" Ningjing political efficacy of stressed that Roman epic and will also speak regarded as the object of communication of heaven. Historian Sima Qian and Li Weiyi virtues in the mainstream of indecent words said situation, disprove the mainstream society speaks to the height of the effect of Ideological and political education value. The third chapter of the moral theology of loyalty talk indecent conduct comparative studies. On the theology of loyalty and moral indecent in the official philosophy, literature, and talk talk in the level of said situation separate stop comparative study found, in the form of logical thinking development makes the wound, the Oriental people speak cognitive ability but also the emergence of development, the official philosophy of the two countries will talk Theology of communication between man and nature of the object, and would speak to the effect of Ideological and political education further refinement to "standard" and "hide" the eve of the two effects. Yang Xiong and Kun Liang to bilateral official philosophy emerged of the theological bias on the reflection, and according to the vernacular spoken have better diplomatic efficacy of vernacular speech indecent, and strive to make the official philosophy return to the theology of philosophy of heresy. Through the process of Ban Gu and Tacitus historiography speak ethical situation of research, we invented, thinking form of the primitive thought prompted the Han Dynasty and ancient Rome people about to speak familiar also entered the stop or conservative, but to "allegiance to a king" and not two kinds of position actually recognized when people about speech act according to the style of Yusi except content had better familiar with the. The fourth chapter to seek happiness and moral ego indecent conduct comparative studies. The main character of indecent and official moral indecent complete rupture emerged in this chapter on the early time. To the Han Dynasty and ancient Roman moral civilization in the era of this chapter discusses the process of growth of the eve of the induced can be divided into three stages, which is the chapter points three sections from multilayer facing both moral and indecent words appear situation to carry on the research and the comparative study of reason. Of Xu Shen and fronto speaking level comparison research method, scholars of the Han Dynasty is the earlier Roman scholar familiar to speak the intimate relationship between the words and ideas, and try to finish thinking through the standard text of fundamental governance; and to Han Dynasty and Roman character indecent talk in the literary aspects of the said situation to carry on the comparison research is the invention, the people of the two countries to speak of cognition and efficacy to speak familiar becomes more relief official philosophy to the political role set, spontaneous regression to communication, expression of thoughts and the original appearance. The fifth chapter is a summary of the main points, stop thinking, and a practical analysis. Above all, through process of Han Dynasty and Roman mainstream moral indecent growth clue comb shave now, two mainstream moral growth appeared as a from "self-cultivation" to "self-cultivation" circling. Secondly, in the important application of Al race are constructivism epistemology of subject in the actual shape, of different character indecent growth stage specific to speak of the connotation of mechanism is analyzed in theory, it draws the conclusion: in China and the oriental ancient important source of civilization era, human similar recognition method and ideological discipline and common knowledge, is the basic reason of the Han Dynasty and ancient Roman speak indecent growth appears to be a personality is far more than the difference. This conclusion is bound to result in response to the supply, and the Oriental civilization exchanges modern civilization in the context of the existence of useless thoughts.

