(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,德语论文题目,内容请直接查看目录。) 上世纪八十年月以来,“记忆”作为社会学、人类学和人类文明学的研究对象在德国被普遍地研究。记忆文明和文明记忆不只仅在德国和欧洲,同时也活着界规模内遭到存眷,成为国际学术前沿之一。好比在中国,记忆文明和文明记忆也遭到愈来愈多的看重(2017年2月中国人年夜常委会经由过程对于设立南京年夜屠戮逝世难者国度公祭日和中国国民抗日战斗成功留念日的决议)。这注解,“记忆”曾经成为我们时期的主题之一。本文论述了“记忆文明”景象,并试图把这个景象同德语教授教养接洽起来。为了更详细地剖析记忆文明,本文选择了留念碑这一记忆序言作为研究对象,对其特色和功效做了剖析,并由此引入“留念碑教授教养论”这一概念。留念碑教授教养论这一概念固然不是本文原创的概念,但这一教授教养论思惟在德语作为本国语教授教养中的运用还没有遭到学界的存眷。本文对德语教材《Erinnerungsorte》停止剖析,发明了留念碑教授教养论在德语教授教养中有着运用措施、媒体运用和内容选择多样化等特色,并对先生的记忆才能、跨文明才能和媒体运用才能均有所增进。本文还商量了教材《Erinnerungsorte》和留念碑教授教养论在中国语境下德语教授教养中的运用的能够性。 Abstract: Since the last eighty years, the "memory" as the research object of sociology, anthropology and human civilization has been widely studied in Germany. Memory civilization and cultural memory not only in Germany and Europe, but also in the living world is concerned, become one of the forefront of the international academic. Like in China, cultural memory and cultural memory has also been more and more valued (2017 February China People's Congress and the Standing Committee through the process of the establishment of Nanjing Massacre of the eve of the death to their national memorial day and China's national war of resistance against Japan successfully taken on the resolution). This note, "memory" has become one of the themes of our times. This paper deals with the phenomenon of "memory culture", and tries to bring the scene to the German language. In order to analyze the memory civilization, this paper chose the memory of the memorial tablet as the research object, and analyzed the characteristics and effects of it. As a memorial tablet, the concept is not the original concept of this concept, but the teaching of the concept of education in German as the language of the application of the teaching of the Chinese language has not been the attention of the academic community. In this paper, the German teaching material "Erinnerungsorte" analysis, the invention of the monument in German teaching method, media application and content selection, and other characteristics, and the memory of the students, cross culture and media applications can be enhanced. This paper also discussed the application of the teaching material "Erinnerungsorte" and the teaching of the monument in the Chinese language teaching in German. 目录: Danksagung 5-6 摘要 6 Abstract 7-8 Inhaltsverzeichnis 8-9 1. Einleitung 9-13 1.1 Themenfindung and Relevanzbegrundung 9-10 1.2 Fragestellungen 10-11 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 11-13 2. Zum Erinnern 13-22 2.1 Wegweisende zur Gedachtnisforschung 13-16 2.2 Erinnerungskultur 16-19 2.3 Europa als Erinnerungsgemeinschaft 19-22 3. Denkmaldidaktik 22-30 3.1 Begriffsdefinition 22-25 3.2 Denkmal als Medium des kollektiven Gedachtnisses 25-28 3.2.1 Funktionen des Denkmals 25-27 3.2.2 Rezeption des Denkmals 27-28 3.3 Denkmaldidaktik-Forschungsstand 28-30 4. Lehrwerk Erinnerungsorte 30-35 4.1 Basisinformationen 30-32 4.2 Lehrwerk 32-33 4.3 Untersuchungsgegenstande 33-35 5. Lehrwerkanalyse 35-61 5.1 Themen 35-37 5.2 Sprachproduktion 37-41 5.2.1 Sprechen 38-39 5.2.2 Schreiben 39-41 5.3 Textarbeit 41-49 5.3.1 Lesetext 42-45 5.3.2 Hortext 45-47 5.3.3 Hypertext 47-49 5.4 Bilder 49-52 5.5 Sozialformen 52-53 5.6 Arbeitsanweisungen 53-55 5.7 Forschungsergebnisse 55-61 5.7.1 Potenziale des Denkmals als Lerngegenstand 55-58 5.7.2 Kompetenzforderung 58-59 5.7.3 Denkmaldidaktik und Landeskundedidaktik 59-61 6. Fazit 61-63 Literaturverzeichnis 63-68 Anhang 68-72 Lebenslauf 72 |