
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Since the last eighty years, the "memory" as the research object of sociology, anthropology and human civilization has been widely studied in Germany. Memory civilization and cultural memory not only in Germany and Europe, but also in the living world is concerned, become one of the forefront of the international academic. Like in China, cultural memory and cultural memory has also been more and more valued (2017 February China People's Congress and the Standing Committee through the process of the establishment of Nanjing Massacre of the eve of the death to their national memorial day and China's national war of resistance against Japan successfully taken on the resolution). This note, "memory" has become one of the themes of our times. This paper deals with the phenomenon of "memory culture", and tries to bring the scene to the German language. In order to analyze the memory civilization, this paper chose the memory of the memorial tablet as the research object, and analyzed the characteristics and effects of it. As a memorial tablet, the concept is not the original concept of this concept, but the teaching of the concept of education in German as the language of the application of the teaching of the Chinese language has not been the attention of the academic community. In this paper, the German teaching material "Erinnerungsorte" analysis, the invention of the monument in German teaching method, media application and content selection, and other characteristics, and the memory of the students, cross culture and media applications can be enhanced. This paper also discussed the application of the teaching material "Erinnerungsorte" and the teaching of the monument in the Chinese language teaching in German.


Danksagung   5-6   摘要   6   Abstract   7-8   Inhaltsverzeichnis   8-9   1. Einleitung   9-13       1.1 Themenfindung and Relevanzbegrundung   9-10       1.2 Fragestellungen   10-11       1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit   11-13   2. Zum Erinnern   13-22       2.1 Wegweisende zur Gedachtnisforschung   13-16       2.2 Erinnerungskultur   16-19       2.3 Europa als Erinnerungsgemeinschaft   19-22   3. Denkmaldidaktik   22-30       3.1 Begriffsdefinition   22-25       3.2 Denkmal als Medium des kollektiven Gedachtnisses   25-28           3.2.1 Funktionen des Denkmals   25-27           3.2.2 Rezeption des Denkmals   27-28       3.3 Denkmaldidaktik-Forschungsstand   28-30   4. Lehrwerk Erinnerungsorte   30-35       4.1 Basisinformationen   30-32       4.2 Lehrwerk   32-33       4.3 Untersuchungsgegenstande   33-35   5. Lehrwerkanalyse   35-61       5.1 Themen   35-37       5.2 Sprachproduktion   37-41           5.2.1 Sprechen   38-39           5.2.2 Schreiben   39-41       5.3 Textarbeit   41-49           5.3.1 Lesetext   42-45           5.3.2 Hortext   45-47           5.3.3 Hypertext   47-49       5.4 Bilder   49-52       5.5 Sozialformen   52-53       5.6 Arbeitsanweisungen   53-55       5.7 Forschungsergebnisse   55-61           5.7.1 Potenziale des Denkmals als Lerngegenstand   55-58           5.7.2 Kompetenzforderung   58-59           5.7.3 Denkmaldidaktik und Landeskundedidaktik   59-61   6. Fazit   61-63   Literaturverzeichnis   63-68   Anhang   68-72   Lebenslauf   72  
