时空纵横探易译一卫礼贤(Richard Wilhelm)和丹尼斯·席琳(Dennis Schilling)的易经[德语论文]

资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

被誉为“群经之首”的易经以其悠长的汗青和深奥的思惟内容首创了中华五千年的文明渊源。它的伟大魅力和作用至今仍渗透中国人平常生涯的各个方面。其奇特的文本构造和说话的多义性随同现代易传注解传统的成长更展现出其与时俱进的伟大解读空间。德国汉学家卫礼贤(Richard Wilhelm)和丹尼斯·席琳(Dennis Schilling)所译作的易经德语译本可谓易经这部中国现代经典在东方特别是德语国度接收和流传的里程碑。卫礼贤对易经为代表的中汉文化的痴迷及其高古幽美的说话作风为其译本打下了深深的烙印,而席琳的译本则客不雅保存了原著占筮说话隐晦、多义的特点,从现今东方汉学研究的迷信视角解读和诠释这部西方经典。本文经由过程对两部译作多条理的比较和剖析,力争重现易经的伟大解读空间,同时深刻考核其在德语国度接收进程中视角的变迁。第四章的文天职析是全文重点。此处运用尤金·奈达的“静态对等”实际的相干办法,经由过程对例文在乎义和作风层面的剖析比拟,探寻静态等效在两译本中的杀青情形。本文经由过程译本比拟及以静态对等为尺度停止的译本评价,希冀到达以下结论:易经的翻译作为一种诠释和再创作进程,其视角深受文明汗青及译者配景的作用,是一个在时光长河中赓续变更成长的进程。


Known as "the first" of the book of changes to its long history and profound ideological content of first of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization origin. All aspects of its great charm and influence is still Chinese penetration of everyday life. The peculiar structure of text and speech ambiguity along with the growth of modern Yi annotation tradition more show the advancing great space for interpretation. Wilhelm, the German sinologist Richard Wilhelm and Dennis Celine (Dennis Schilling) translation of the I Ching German translations can be described as the book of changes the modern Chinese classics in the East in particular German countries receive and spread the milestone. Obsession with Wilhelm of the book of changes as the representative of the Chinese culture and ancient beautiful speaking style for its translation play a deep imprint, and Celine's version is objectively preserved original divination speak obscure, the characteristics of polysemy, from today's Oriental Studies in Sinology in scientific perspective and interpretation of the classic western. The through the process of two versions of a multi-level comparison and analysis, and strive to reproduce the I Ching great space for interpretation, and profoundly assessment in the German speaking country receiving points of view in the process of change. Analysis of text analytics of the fourth chapter is the focus of this article. Here the application of Nida's "static equivalence" actual coherent way, through the nave care at the level of meaning and style analysis compare, analysis of static equivalent in the two versions fixing. In this paper, through the process of translation comparison and to the static equivalence scale stop of translation evaluation, hope arrives at the following conclusions: translation of the book of changes as an interpretation and re creation process, the perspective by the influence of civilization history and the translator's background is a in long time ceaselessly change growth process.


摘要   6   Abstract   7-11   Ⅰ.Einleitung   11-13   Ⅱ.Das Yijing in zwei Welten   13-31       1. Das Yijing China   13-23           1.1 Textgeschichte   15-20               1.1.1. Textfassung   15-16               1.1.2. Das alte Spruchwerk   16-18               1.1.3. Die Zehn Flugel   18-20           1.2 Wirkungsgeschichte   20-23               1.2.1. Das Yijing als Orakel   21-22               1.2.2. Das Yijing als Weisheit   22-23       2. Das Yijing im Westen   23-31           2.1 Rezeptionsgeschichte in den westlichen Landern   23-25           2.2 Das Yijing im deutschsprachigen Raum   25-31               2.2.1 Gottfried Wilhhelm Leibniz   25-27               2.2.2 Richard Wilhelm   27-29               2.2.3 Carl Gustav Jung   29-31   Ⅲ.Zu vorliegenden Ubersetzungswerken   31-45       1. I Ging-Das Buch der Wandlungen von Richard Wilhelm   31-41           1.1 Entstehungsgeschichte   31-33           1.2 Inhaltlicher Aufbau   33-37               1.2.1 Vorrede und Einleitung   34               1.2.2 Erstes Buch:der Text   34-35               1.2.3 Zweites Buch:das Material   35-36               1.2.4 Drittes Buch:die Kommentare   36-37           1.3 Wirkung und Kritik   37-39           1.4 Zum Ubersetzer:Richard Wilhelm   39-41       2. Yijing-Das Buch der Wandlungen von Dennis Schilling   41-45           2.1 Inhaltlicher Aufbau   41-44               2.1.1. Ubersetzung   42               2.1.2. Kommentar   42-44           2.2 Zum Obersetzer:Dennis Schilling   44           2.3 Rezension   44-45   Ⅳ.Textvergleich   45-67       1. Theoretische Voraussetzung   45-47       2. Textanalyse   47-67           2.1 Auswahl der Beispiele   47-48           2.2 Analyse   48-65               2.2.1 Ubersetzung textrelevanter Worter und Begriffe   48-56          Ubersetzung der Worter der Wahrsagung: 吉(ji),凶(xiong),悔(hui),吝(ling)   49-51          Ubersetzung der Namen der Zeichen   51-56               2.2.2 Ubersetzung des Schlusselspruchs元亨利贞(Yuan heng li zhen.)   56-59               2.2.3 Ubersetzung des Spruchtextes zu Zeichen坤(Kun)   59-65           2.3 Zusammenfassung der Analyse   65-67   Ⅴ.Schlussfolgerung   67-70   Ⅵ.Literaturverzeichnis   70-72       1.Primarliteratur   70       2.Sekundarliteratur   70-71       3. Internetquellen   71-72   Danksagung   72-73   攻读学位期间的论文   73  
