
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Talking is the carrier of human beings to stop exchanging and expressing thoughts and feelings, and also the basic of singing art. Sing the praises of the speech is in career talk basically refining, processing, growth and of, however there are differences, it is important to performance in disposal of articulation, articulation. In praise of articulation, each is a praise are required to learn the fundamental achievements. Control the praise in articulation, and discipline to exaggeration to demonize the word, such sound ability as a carrier will turn the United States reach the audience's heart. Every word in the song is lively and lively, and is full of praise, so there will be a complete art abstract. This paper will introduce what is the articulation, and how to sing in thirteen rhymes in. Then the second chapter will discuss articulation, enunciation, thirteen rhymes of the respective discipline and contact. The third chapter is the main content of this paper discusses the detailed use of Chinese songs, Italian songs, French songs, songs in German in articulation, and thirteen rhymes. This paper focuses on the treatment results is the crux to articulation, and thirteen rhymes used in foreign language songs. After the eve of the me and my teacher research division of many works and papers invention, thirteen rhymes by the Chinese drama development, natural and ran to the discipline to the Chinese songs, and Italian, German, French and English songs showed no, in fact, talking a lot are can rely on thirteen rhymes to illustrate. Through process such analysis can handle hard in singing in English pronunciation, not pronunciation and pronunciation inaccurate results, can make our singing in the study of the double easily. The purpose of the study of this thesis is the progress of people learn pronunciation, articulation of familiar; at the same time, it can enhance the in the process of learning to sing the praises of the articulation, articulation to master the accurate; that vocal music play theory and teaching supply some useful, for their own ways and opportunities; another important through process "silent, lead belly, rhyme" this simple form to progress people's love for the art of vocal music. The process of completing the paper is also a process of progress and perfection, as well as the process of singing the praises of the familiar.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第1章 绪论   8-11       1.1 课题背景及探讨的目的和意义   8-9       1.2 什么是咬字、吐字、十三辙   9-10       1.3 咬字、吐字、十三辙如何体现在歌唱   10       1.4 本章小结   10-11   第2章 咬字、吐字、十三辙的规律及三者的联系   11-17       2.1 咬字的规律   11       2.2 吐字的规律   11-13       2.3 十三辙的规律   13-15       2.4 三者的联系   15-16       2.5 本章小结   16-17   第3章 在歌唱曲目中咬字、吐字及十三辙的具体运用   17-25       3.1 中国歌曲   17-19       3.2 意大利语歌曲   19-21       3.3 法语歌曲   21-22       3.4 德语歌曲   22-23       3.5 本章小结   23-25   结论   25-27   参考文献   27-29   攻读学位期间承担的科研任务和主要成果   29-30   致谢   30-31   音乐会曲目单   31-33   个人简介   33  
