
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The study of pragmatic failures in cross cultural diplomacy is a subject of great practical significance and applicable value in the study of modern speech science. Pragmatic failure is a rare sight in the cross cultural diplomacy, so it is of practical significance to study the pragmatic failure of cross cultural diplomacy and foreign language teaching. But in the foreign language world, the English community in this area of research is more profound and specific, this aspect of the German study is definitely less some. But with the two countries in the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries in various aspects of culture and sports, because of cultural differences in the pragmatic failures caused by the scene but not our negligence. How from the pragmatic angle to analyze and compare the pragmatic errors in the scene, how and from the point of view of learning to speak puts forward effective precaution strategy, prevent the scene caused diplomatic failure, is precisely the important research object. The shelter to Sino German cross cultural diplomacy in the cross-cultural pragmatic out false picture, try to make achievements comment debate system, practical and scientific. This paper first introduces the research object of the coherent actual background knowledge, such as the concept of civilization and cross cultural diplomacy and its achievements, the concept of cross cultural pragmatic failures and its research situation. And then select the German exchange in some model for the perspective of cross-cultural pragmatic off false important analysis and important points for jokes, taboo and commission Wan language, business contacts, polite address language four angle. Then, in order to investigate the real reason of the scene, from the cultural differences, cognitive errors, pragmatic presupposition three aspects to discuss the cause of cross-cultural pragmatic failures. Ordinary, the cultural differences and the civilization migration is the origin of cross-cultural pragmatic failures occur, due to speak and civilization are complementary to each other, speak their own rich civilization of invasion; and civilization but also the composition of the speak, the application of language to suffer restriction and the influence of the civilization. Initially, through the analysis of the process of cross cultural pragmatic off error phenomenon and reasons put forward preventive measures, namely in the diplomatic process attention cultural background, appropriate cultural empathy and tolerance some of the other "inappropriate" speech while the teacher in the German class to create Mr. cross the diplomatic skills, especially professor of national cultural knowledge, let Mr. with German teachers German exchange and contact real German traveling to the scene.


Danksagung   5-6   Chinesische Kurzbeschreibung   6-7   Deutsche Kurzbeschreibung   8-11   Einleitung   11-14       1.Forschungsprobleme und ihre Funktionen   11-12       2.Forschungsdenkweisen und –methoden bei dieser Arbeit   12-14   Hauptteil   14-63       1.Theoretische Hintergründe   14-26           1.1.Was ist Kultur?   14-16           1.2.Interkulturelle Kommunikation und ihre Probleme   16-20           1.3.Theoretische Hintergründe der Pragmatik   20-26               1.3.1.Kooperationsprinzip von Grice und die Regeln der Freundlichkeit von Leech   20-24               1.3.2.Prasuppostionstheorie von Frege   24-26       2. Interkulturell-pragmatische Probleme   26-32           2.1.Der Begriff der interkulturell-pragmatischen Probleme   26-28           2.2.Die Forschungsgeschichte und der Forschungsstand von interkulturell-pragmatischen Problemen   28-32       3.Die Phanomene interkulturell-pragmatischer Probleme   32-50           3.1.Probleme bei verschiedenen Witzen   32-37           3.2.Probleme bei Tabus und Euphemismen   37-41           3.3.Probleme bei Gesch(?)ftsverkehr   41-45           3.4.Probleme bei H(?)flichkeit   45-50       4.Die Ursachen von interkulturell-pragmatischen Probleme   50-57           4.1.Analysen von kulturellen Unterschieden   50-52           4.2.Analysen von kognitiven Unterschieden   52-54           4.3.Analysen verschiedener pragmatischer Prasuppositionen   54-57       5.Die Maβnahmen zur Vermeidung interkulturell-pragmatischer   57-63           5.1.Die Methoden und Maβnahmen   57-59           5.2.Die Heranbildung von kommunikativen pragmatischen Fahigkeiten bei den Fremdsprachelernern   59-63   Schlusswort   63-65   Literaturverzeichnis   65-69  
