
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



German speaking, translation, translation process is divided into two stages: the stage of understanding and reconstruction of the stage of the translation of the translation process into stages. Although literary translation is no exception. In the theory of literary translation, I have gradually realized that the translation of literary translation is different from the translation of science and technology, and it has its own characteristics, and it has a unique set of criteria in the reconstruction of literary translation. At present, the Chinese German translator and translator are badly needed to control a set of practical translation. However, unfortunately, the International German translation studies are in a difficult situation at present: in addition to the effectiveness of translation practice, the vast German translation of the rest of the world is not known in the world. For this situation, in the first chapter of this thesis, I try to from the German Hermeneutics and reception aesthetics long tradition, literary translation for creative practice. The special nature of literature can be summed up as "Literature" ". Since this concept from the beginning of last century. The Russian scientist Roman Jacobson, has become a literary research topic of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions. But in the category of translation studies, there are few scholars in the world. In view of the literary character of the text, it should be a new dimension of literary translation. During the reconstruction stage of literary translation, the reconstruction of literary translation is quite important to the translation of literary translation. A good translation should be, and must be comprehensive and loyal to convey the original text of the literature. Therefore, in the third chapter of this thesis, the concept of "Literature", and the history of its growth and evolution, are emphasized. In the fourth chapter, I test the practical application of the previous paper, the construction of the general principles of the reconstruction of literary translation. Focus on the debate in the literary translation, the translator how to fully and faithfully convey the original text of the literature, he in the process should take what kind of approach, the principle of compliance. Considering the literary text in different types of situation, said there are also differences, this paper lists some ancient narrative literary texts (such as vague novels, novels and short stories) characteristics, to discuss the translator should pay attention to what in the literary translation process, and then basically, puts forward the translation strategy thoughts and suggestions on the target is not a literary translation system to discuss the stop.


中文摘要   4   Abstract   5-7   Danksagung   7-8   Inhaltsverzeichnis   8-10   1. Einleitung   10-13   2. übersetzen als Verstehensprozess   13-36       2.1. Die Geschichte der Hermeneutik   14-17       2.2. Friedrich Schleiermachers Allgemeine Hermeneutik   17-25           2.2.1. Schleiermachers Begründung der Allgemeinen Hermeneutik   17-19           2.2.2. Das Verstehen als die Rekonstruktion der Intention des Autors   19-20           2.2.3. Die grammatische Auslegung und die psychische Auslegung   20-22           2.2.4. “Besserverstehen” als der Urheber selbst   22-23           2.2.5. Der hermeneutische Zirkel des Verstehens   23-25       2.3. Die Kritik an Schleiermachers Allgemeiner Hermeneutik   25-26       2.4. Schleiermachers Hermeneutik und literarisches übersetzen   26-27       2.5. Die Rezeptions s(?)thetik   27-33           2.5.1. über die Rezeptions s(?)thetik   27-28           2.5.2. Die Rezeptions s(?)thetik bei H. R. Jau   28-29           2.5.3. Die Wirkungs s(?)thetik bei Wolfgang Iser   29-31           2.5.4. Die Kritik an Rezeptions s(?)thetik   31-33       2.6. Autororientiert oder leserorientiert?   33-34       2.7. Textintention   34-36   3. Literarisches übersetzen als Rekonstruktion der Literarizit(?)t   36-50       3.1. Der Ursprung und seine Entwicklung des Begriffs “Literarizit(?)t”   37-44           3.1.1. Die Literarizit t beim Russischen Formalismus   37-40           3.1.2. Die Literarizit t bei der New Criticsm   40-42           3.1.3. Die Erkl rungen der Literarizit t im Reallexikon   42-44       3.2. Die intrinsischen und extrinsischen Forschungsans tze der Literatur   44-45       3.3. Neuer Blickwinkel in die Literarizit(?)t   45-46       3.4. Textintention und Literarizit(?)t   46-48       3.5. Die Rolle des übersetzers   48-50   4. Rekonstruktion der Literarizit t   50-61       4.1. Das Prinzip der Wirkungsgleichheit   50-52       4.2. Die Formen der Literarizit(?)t in den modernen Prosatexten   52-59           4.2.1. Wortwahl   53-54           4.2.2. Rhetorische Mittel   54-55           4.2.3. Sprachstil   55           4.2.4. Erz hlpersektive   55-56           4.2.5. Makrostruktur des Textes   56-57           4.2.6. Zeitebene und Darstellungstechnik   57-59       4.3. Schwerpunkte bei der Rekonstruktion der Literarizit(?)t   59-61   Schluss   61-63   Literaturverzeichnis   63-64   Sekund(?)rtexte   64-65  
