
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The official statement of the year of the year is a major document of the study of the history of Assyria. The literature records sequentially in a chronological order with the name of the king, perhaps the official title, and in the history of serious matters. This paper by the name, the names of people, as the research object, ancient Akkad talk and text angle of these names stop grammar structure analysis; on this basis, to discuss names reflect Assyrian religion, ethnic and other society. The main content of this paper is divided into 4 parts, an overview of the following introduction to introduce the literature version of the official table of the year of Assyria, content structure and important research situation; the first chapter of the official name of the syntax analysis. The name of the name of the year to rectify the classification, and the grammatical characteristics of the name and the meaning of the analysis of the meaning of the analysis; the second chapter of the characteristics of the name of the assyria. In parsing, the family name, gender discrimination and the namesake of scene analysis; chapter three years of official names in religious beliefs. The names of the Tetragrammaton ingredients as the breakthrough point, discuss the Assyrian religion and belief system, and analysis the Assyrian religion change; in the fourth chapter, the names of the plain near family. Analysis of the names in the emergence of non Akkadian ingredients, discuss medium response of the Assyrian nation ethnic situation. Conclusion of the full text summary. Since the year of the year of the official of the Assyria, the academic circles have studied and discussed this document from different angles. Name, table records the eclipse scene, in order to establish the date of Assyria in the relative chronology provides a major clue; other historical narrative, combined with the relevant literature, in order to better understand the history of Assyria fills up; and departments Title names and the official position, to rebuild Assyrian history geography and administrative agencies supply the material. This paper further explored the name table, historical value, names from grammar analysis point of view to discuss the social and historical condition; and the Akkadian history literature stopped interpretation of Chinese, international scholars provide a valuable raw data.


中文提要   4-5   英文提要   5   中文目录   6-7   英文目录   7-8   中文图表目录   8-9   英文图表目录   9-10   导论 亚述名年官表   10-16       一、亚述名年官表介绍   10-12       二、对于名年官   12-16   第一章 名年官人名的语法略论   16-30       一、人名的语法形式   16-24       二、名年官表中人名的语法特征   24-30   第二章 亚述人名的特点略论   30-35       一、“家族姓氏”   30-31       二、性别区分   31       三、同名现象   31-35   第三章 名年官人名中的宗教信仰   35-41       一、名年官人名中的宗教信仰体系   35-37       二、名年官人名中宗教信仰变化   37-41   第四章 名年官人名中的民族状况   41-45   结语   45-47   附录 亚述名年官表   47-59       古亚述名年官表(前1876—1780年)   47-49       新亚述名年官表(前910—609年)   49-59   常用专有名词译名对照表和索引   59-61   参考书目   61-63   致谢   63  
