
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Articulation of speech recognition, also known as continuous digital speech recognition. Because of its complete facilities, the required storage request low, fast running speed, has the widespread practical value, the use of vastness to its, such as de law wind voice dialing, remote control home appliances, industrial control and so on, give people bring huge convenience. The recognition of cohesive words can promote the growth of speech recognition, so many years, many studies have tried to improve the speech recognition research and algorithm. A continuous digital speech recognition device based on Gaussian hybrid model is completed in this paper. It will be hidden Markov model and Gaussian mixed density spread cheek by jowl approached, combined with static scheduling algorithm of time series and Markov chain of stop nonlinear time alignment, and applying the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture model parameters stop from the new measure and recognize the achievements and Xi Jicheng fruit take Levenshtein Distance compare and draw the word error rate. Application of the speech recognition device on the German language of SieTill to stop practice and recognition, can reach a high recognition rate. At the same time, this paper also Nianye speech vocabulary speech recognition system speaking model construction and evaluation problems deeply discuss, in detail introduced the linear creamy and Kneser ney greasy sliding skills, and maximum likelihood estimation way to obtain the greasy sliding parameter. To speak to take modeling test is Cambridge University HTK object, Stanford Research Institute of srilm object and Germany RWTH University sprint object and through the process of the English version of the European Parliament meeting script records of disposal, compared various objects in the modeling language difference.


第一章 引言   8-17       第一节 语音识别概述   8-13           1.1.1 语音识别的意义   8-9           1.1.2 语音识别技术的历史和发展近况   9-10           1.1.3 语音识别技术存在的探讨难点   10-11           1.1.4 语音识别新的发展方向和探讨热点   11-13       第二节 本文的探讨内容和意义   13-17           1.2.1 连续数字语音识别   13-15           1.2.2 大词汇表连续语音识别的语言建模   15-17   第二章 语音信号略论   17-32       第一节 语音信号处理的基本知识   17-21           2.1.1 语言、语音学知识   17           2.1.2 音节、音素和声调   17-19           2.1.3 语音的特性略论   19-21       第二节 语音信号的参数提取   21-27           2.2.1 NIST、WAVE 文件格式   21-23           2.2.2 语音信号预处理   23-24           2.2.3 MFCC 特征参数的提取   24-27       第三节 语音信号的端点检测   27-32           2.3.1 短时能量、能跨积检测语音端点   28-29           2.3.2 对数能量参数检测语音端点   29-30           2.3.3 Running Sum 措施改进均值的求法   30-32   第三章 基于GMM 的连续数字识别系统   32-57       第一节 隐Markov 模型   32-35           3.1.1 隐Markov 模型概述   32-35           3.1.2 有限状态机   35       第二节 Gaussian 混合模型   35-39           3.2.1 Gaussian 混合模型概述   35-38           3.2.2 EM 算法的参数重估计   38-39       第三节 连续数字语音识别器的系统概貌   39-41       第四节 训练和参数估计模块的实现   41-53           3.4.1 Markov 自动机的实现   41-42           3.4.2 线性与非线性时间对齐   42-48           3.4.3 EM 算法对GMM 参数重估计的实现   48-52           3.4.4 训练过程的实现   52-53       第五节 识别模块的实现   53-55       第六节 实验结果与略论   55-57   第四章 语言建模   57-73       第一节 语言模型概述   57-63           4.1.1 大词汇表连续语音识别的语言建模   57-58           4.1.2 N-Gram 语言模型   58-59           4.1.3 语言模型的参数估计   59-61           4.1.4 语言模型的性能评测   61-62           4.1.5 语言建模时出现的问题   62-63       第二节 语言建模的平滑技术   63-68           4.2.1 平滑技术概要   63           4.2.2 线性平滑   63-66           4.2.3 Kneser-Ney 平滑   66-68       第三节 语言建模的实验   68-73           4.3.1 所用的工具和语言   68-69           4.3.2 待处理数据和运行环境   69-70           4.3.3 实验结果与略论   70-73   第五章 结束语   73-74   参考文献   74-76   攻读学位期间的论文   76-77   致谢   77-78   详细摘要   78-80  
