
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Twenty-first Century is the time of the image. All kinds of new images appear continuously advertising, photography, video, Internet TV film electronic image...... As one of the traditional art of painting, what is the realistic picture in this period of time? And show how the value? This paper, through the process of Chinese classical "image" and the English world "image (Imaqe)" the philosophy of assessment, that they and the German world of "image (BILD)" have the same place. In the art history of the origins of Austria and Germany, (Bild) image can be with equal to English world "image". That image is know as a connected with the meaning of visual structure. Thus, "meaning" has become an important appeal of the "image" in the West. In the ancient reconstruction of the instrument side painting, this paper not only put forward the realistic painting of the image of the highest significance is the ultimate concern for human beings, and also discussed in detail how to make the image with this kind of ultimate significance. The basic meaning of realistic painting is to pay close attention to the meaning. As long as the artist advances in education, career experience itself, can the meaning of place of art invention.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 中国古典传统中的意象   8-11   第二章 西方的意象概念   11-14   第三章 图像   14-18   第四章 在造型艺术中意象或图像的意义   18-21   第五章 如何让意象或图像具有意义?   21-24   结论   24-25   参考书目   25-27   图录   27-28   致谢   28  
