
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



After the middle school moral education pertinence and effectiveness is not high, has aroused the widespread concern of many teaching tasks. They go with their task in, stop a deep discussion on middle school moral education from different angles. "Aesthetic education" is one of the results of the study. It to moral and aesthetic education "deep interspersed, soul created" for the purpose, to seek the actual moral education to discuss placed on human ultimate concern, for the happiness of life bourn, provided new thoughts for moral education theoretical research and the actual effect of moral progress. The of aesthetic education with moral education and its related stopped profound thinking, in of Xuzhou City 1600 Junior High School Mr. stop the questionnaire survey of basically, system analysis and research of the the region after the middle school moral education in the state. Inquiry invention, after the junior middle school moral education is still a relatively strong utilitarian color, important for Mr. lack of emotion and imagination, lack of concern for others and society. In order to weaken the utilitarian color of the process of moral education and promote the theory of Moral Governance, this paper begins with the important content of the governance of moral education in middle school, and actively explore and construct the form of moral education in junior high school. The detailed conception of moral education curriculum includes transfers, "demonize" moral education process, the establishment of Faculty of beauty. The desire of these studies, may be to further promote the "moral education aesthetics" to make a new contribution to the theory.


前言   6-15       1. 探讨的缘起及意义   6-7       2. 主要概念的厘定   7-11       3. 相关探讨的综述   11-14       4. 论文的结构与安排   14-15   一. 德育美学观及其理论基础   15-23       1. 美育功能的认识   15-18       2. 道德教育的主体性   18-20       3. 德育美学观的主要理论   20-23   二. 徐州市初中德育实践近况调查   23-39       1. 徐州市初中学生思想道德近况的调查   23-24           1.1 调查内容和范围   23-24           1.2 调查问卷的内容设计   24       2. 学生思想道德的基本状况   24-31       3. 初中德育实践近况的评价及问题存在之根源   31-39   三. 构建美善相济的初中德育的设想   39-50       1. 美善相济的德育内容   40-45           1.1 德育课程   40           1.2 认知型德育课程   40-42           1.3 活动性德育课程   42-43           1.4 隐性德育课程   43-45       2. 美善相济的德育过程   45-47       3. 教师师表美的追求   47-50   结论   50-51   附录.徐州市中小学德育近况调查问卷   51-54   参考文献   54-57   后记   57  
