(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,德语毕业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着我国经济成长速度的连续增加,古代教导的教导不雅和人才不雅曾经由重常识向重才能产生了转移。职业黉舍肩负着造就“立异、适用、复合、创业”的应用人才的教授教养义务,但今朝却缺少以理论为导向的教授教养和具有足够资历的专业教员。德国的以造就症结才能为焦点的行为导向教授教养,运用离职业教导中曾经获得了很好的教授教养后果,为德国公司造就出年夜批优良的休息力。今朝我国的职业黉舍也在停止“行为导向”教授教养实验,但年夜部门职业黉舍的教员对行为导向教授教养的熟悉还仅逗留在对教授教养形式的模拟阶段,而对行为导向教授教养理念的懂得还不敷周全,是以在教室理论中碰到了许多艰苦和障碍。是以本文经由过程商量德国“行为导向”教授教养实际,以期对我国职业教导教授教养改造有所启发。论文以研究行为导向教授教养的行为一实际模子为切入点,分离从心思学和教导学角度回想了行为导向教授教养的教授教养理念,对行为导向教授教养的教授教养模子和教授教养形式停止了具体地略论。在此基本上,运用案例比拟法,剖析了行为导向教授教养的特色和其在德国职业黉舍的应用,德语论文范文,并总结了行为导向教授教养与传统教授教养的差别。最初,得出中国职业教导教授教养改造的几点启发。 Abstract: With the continuous increase in the speed of economic growth in China, the teaching of the ancient teachings of indecent and talented people have been heavy knowledge to the heavy to produce a transfer. Vocational schools are shouldering the creating teaching obligations of "innovation, application, composite, entrepreneurship," the use of talent, but today is the lack of theory to guide the teaching and has enough qualifications of professional teachers. Germany in order to create the crux of the problem can be the focus of the behavior oriented teaching, applied from the vocational education has been a good teaching results, for the German companies to create a large number of excellent rest. Currently in China's vocational schools also stop "action oriented" teaching experiment, but Nianye sector professional schools, the teachers of behavior oriented teaching familiar also only stay in the simulation stage of teaching form, and the behavior oriented teaching concept know is not comprehensive enough is met many difficulties and obstacles in the theory of the classroom to the. In this paper, through the process to discuss the German "behavior oriented" teaching practice, with a view to the teaching of Vocational Education in China, the transformation of teaching. Paper with a practical study of behavior oriented teaching model as the breakthrough point, separate from the mind to learn and teach point back to the behavior oriented teaching, teaching philosophy, of behavior oriented teaching teaching model and teaching form to stop the concrete analysis. In this case, the use of case comparison method, analysis of the characteristics of behavior oriented teaching and its application in the German vocational school, and summarizes the differences between behavior oriented teaching and traditional teaching. At first, the teaching reform of Vocational Education in China was inspired by several points. 目录: 中文摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 第一章 绪论 7-10 1.1 问题提出背景 7 1.2 问题探讨意义 7-8 1.2.1 理论意义 7-8 1.2.2 实践意义 8 1.3 问题探讨内容和探讨措施 8-10 1.3.1 探讨内容 8-9 1.3.2 探讨措施 9-10 第二章 行动导向教学法简介 10-30 2.1 “行动导向”教学概念 10 2.2 “行动导向”教学理论基础 10-20 2.2.1 唯物主义学习和行动理论 10-15 2.2.2 认知心理学学习理论 15-19 2.2.3 建构主义学习理论 19-20 2.3 行动导向教学措施 20-30 2.3.1 项目教育法 20-22 2.3.2 案例教学法 22-25 2.3.3 角色扮演法 25-27 2.3.4 引导文教学法 27-28 2.3.5 实验教学法 28-30 第三章 对行动导向教学的理论思考 30-36 3.1 “行动导向教学”的理论创新略论 30-31 3.2 行动导向教学的特点 31-32 3.3 行动导向教学案例略论 32-33 3.4 行动导向教学与传统教学的区别 33-34 3.5 运用行动导向教学应注意的问题 34-36 第四章 德国行动导向教学对我国职业学校的教学启示 36-47 4.1 我国职业学校教学中存在的主要问题 36-37 4.1.1 课程设置仍采用传统教学的学科设置措施 36 4.1.2 课堂教学对学生综合能力的培养不够重视 36-37 4.1.3 教学过程仍以教师为主导缺乏师生互动 37 4.1.4 教学评估缺乏明确的评价标准 37 4.2 行动导向教学理论对我国职业学校教学的启示 37-47 4.2.1 我国职业教育需要统一的培训标准 37-42 4.2.2 我国职业教育需要加强行动导向教学师资的培养 42-47 参考文献 47-50 致谢 50 |