(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 德国政治基金会是德国智库中最具特点的一类智库,德语论文,具有研究实力雄厚、展开运动规模广、作用年夜等重要特点。德国的六年夜政治基金会都和政党有着亲密的接洽,在德国的交际决议计划系统中饰演侧重要的脚色。在国际,政治基金会为德国当局制订和实行交际决议计划供给宝贵支撑。在国外,政治基金会在全球跨越100多个国度展开教导、征询和政策对话等项目,并驻有历久的做事机构。个中在成长中国度,政治基金会努力于社会和政治构造的改造与框架前提的创立。而在蓬勃国度,政治基金会则把重点放在精英阶级之间连续而高强度的对话,以保持和稳固与同伴国度(同盟)的关系。政治基金会在德国政治生涯中,特殊是交际方面,施展侧重要感化。改造开放以来,中国的国际作用力敏捷上升。与此同时,德国的六年夜政治基金会也逐步将对华任务作为其海内营业的重点。经由过程多种渠道存眷和研究中国经济和社会体系体例改造,经由过程外部涉华研究人员进入当局决议计划层担负主要职务直接作用德国对华政策的制订;或许经由过程提交申报、出书专著、召开谈话会、探讨会、列席听证会等各类情势对德国政府制订对华政策供给看法和建议;或经由过程立书作品、接收媒体访谈等措施宣扬他们对中国的不雅点,作用"对德国交际的认知力,直接作用中德关系。鉴于政治基金会在德国对华决议计划制订进程中施展的主要感化,我们有需要对德国政治基金会对华研究和展开任务和介入德国交际决议计划的状态停止研究和剖析。 Abstract: German political foundation is the most characteristic of the German think tank think tank, has a strong research strength, a wide range of sports, the impact of the important characteristics of the eve of the. Germany of the eve of the six political funds and party in close contact, in Germany the communicative decision system plays important role. In the international, the political foundation for the German authorities to develop and implement a communication plan to provide valuable support. In foreign countries, the political fund will be in the global across more than 100 countries started teaching, consultation and policy dialogue project, and long-term in a working body. In the growth of China, the political foundation is working hard to transform the social and political structure and the establishment of the framework of the premise. While in the country, the political foundation has focused on the continuous and high intensity of dialogue between the elite, in order to maintain and consolidate the relationship with the companion country (Alliance). Political foundation in the German political career, the special aspects of communication, play an important role. Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid rise in international influence. At the same time, Germany's six largest political foundation will gradually be China as its domestic business focus of the task. Through a variety of channels keep attention and discussion of China's economic and social system reform, through external Shehua researchers into government decision-making layer mainly responsible for duties directly affect the formulation of German policy in China, perhaps through submit declaration, published books, called talk, study and attend the hearings and other forms for the German government to formulate policy to China supply views and suggestions; or through the process of vertical books, receiving media interviews and other methods promote them on China's indecent point, impact on German communication of cognition, directly affect the sound of Sino German relations. In view of the political funds in the German policy decision to formulate the main effect in the process of display, we have need of German political funds will study in China and expanding the task and the intervention of German communication decision state research and analysis. 目录: 摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 目录 8-9 第1章 绪论 9-17 一、探讨目的和意义 9-11 二、文献综述和探讨措施 11-13 三、概念的界定和解析 13-15 四、本文的核心观点与框架结构 15-17 第2章 德国政治基金会的概况:运作与特征 17-24 一、德国政治基金会的传统和近况 17-18 二、德国政治基金会的主要特点 18-24 第3章 德国外交决策机制以及政治基金会的作用 24-34 一、德国外交决策机制的概况 24-26 二、政治基金会参与德国外交决策机制的影响和作用 26-34 第4章 政治基金会在德国对华决策中的影响 34-48 一、德国政治基金会在华活动的概况、发展阶段以及德国对华政策的变化 34-40 二、政治基金会参与德国对华外交决策的影响和评价 40-48 结束语 48-50 参考文献 50-53 后记 53 |