
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



That doctrine is the main line of modern painting, is an important base for the Germany, depending in German social reality and international factors, the reaction of the meantime sensitive intellectual in the abnormal growth of social energy of terror and lonely. Germany says doctrine art situation attention characteristics and passion, and in the content of veto objectively simulation, and tries to break through the restraint of the traditional. In the style of stressed concise general and coordination of the lyric artistic means, with strong means means and ironical ingredients. This article from the four departments of Germany, said the art form of the art of profound analysis and thinking. The first part of the German doctrine of the precursors and the art of the formation of the idea of the genre, description of the art of representation of the composition and growth of the state of the art. The second part focuses on the construction of the art form of the German art, and demonstrates the key points of the art form, which is the objective factor, the emotional status, the identity and the general status. The third part discusses the German said characteristics of feminist art situation, a further interpretation of bulge in the characteristics, style exaggerated and coordination of lyric art discipline. The Fourth Department expatiatory Germany said doctrine of artistic forms of causes and deep discuss constitute the German said doctrine of artistic forms of history, area, the actual and practical background, individual artists and by the influence of new artistic style and exotic civilizations.


引言   7   一、德国表现主义艺术的形成   7-9       (一) 德国表现主义的先驱人物   7-8       (二) 表现主义的三个社团   8-9   二、德国表现主义艺术形式的构成   9-19       (一) 主观因素   9-11       (二) 情感因素   11-14       (三) 象征因素   14-16       (四) 抽象因素   16-19   三、德国表现主义艺术形式的特点   19-25       (一) 独特的个性语言   19-21       (二) 夸张的表现手法   21-23       (三) 和谐和抒情   23-25   四、表现主义艺术形式的成因   25-31       (一) 历史因素   25       (二) 地域因素   25-26       (三) 现实背景   26-27       (四) 理论基础   27-28       (五) 文化吸收   28-31   结语   31-32   注释   32-33   参考文献   33-34   后记   34-35   附:本人在读研期间科研论文、论著及获奖情况一览表   35  
