(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着微电子技巧、盘算机技巧和通讯技巧的飞速成长,德语论文网站,工业主动化程度的赓续进步,德语论文题目,公司对治理和掌握一体化需求也进一步增长,推进着工业掌握收集赓续向前成长,从基于模仿旌旗灯号传输的集散掌握体系(DCS),到数字化、智能化、全疏散的现场总线,再到最近几年来新涌现并获得敏捷成长的工业以太网。现场总线是一种全散布式、收集化及时反应掌握体系。现场总线技巧使得现场装备具有更丰硕的掌握、通讯、组态治理和自诊断功效,它简化了掌握体系构造,将掌握功效完全下放到现场,完成了真正意义上的疏散掌握。在现有的各类现场总线尺度中,Profibus总线是一种比拟风行的现场总线尺度,在国际外的应用和研究曾经相当的成熟。德国FESTO企业研制的MPS(Modular Production System)模块化临盆加工体系是一套包括分歧水平庞杂掌握工业主动化技巧体系,是哈尔滨职业技巧学院的电机一体化技巧专业的实训装备。本文经由过程剖析MPS的不克不及实时停止毛病诊断及处置的缘由,以为将PROFIBUS现场总线技巧应用到MPS中,开辟其监控体系进步该体系的毛病诊断及处置功效,对散布式及时体系义务可调剂剖析,对现场总线的时态特征停止了商量,针对MPS模块化临盆加工体系停止PROFIBUS现场总线通讯的设计完成、机械人参加到体系中的通讯衔接和完成对体系的加工进程的及时监控,从而树立人机的直接接洽,以周全完成该临盆加工体系的功效。经由过程对MPS的监控体系的开辟,可扩大其掌握功效,进步其临盆进程的稳固性,加快其毛病诊断及处置过程,进步装备的抗搅扰才能,将其应用于电机一体化技巧专业先生的教授教养理论中,应用先辈的教授教养手腕,使先生接触本事域中的古代高科技的最新成长结果,成为高技巧、高本质的可连续成长的高职人才。MPS模块化临盆体系的监控体系的开辟具有主要意义。 Abstract: Followed by the rapid growth of microelectronic technique, computer technique and communication technique, industrial automation degree rise ceaselessly, enterprise governance and control integration of the needs of the further growth, promote the industrial master collected continuously forward development, from imitation based signal transmission of the distributed control system (DCS) to digital, intelligent, full evacuation of the field bus, and in recent years the emergence of a new and rapid development of industrial Ethernet. Fieldbus is a full distributed networked control system, timely response. Fieldbus technique makes the on-site equipment, with more fruitful master, communication, configuration management and self diagnosis function. It simplifies the control system structure, will control functions completely into the site, completed the real evacuation of the master. In all kinds of field bus standard in the existing Profibus bus is a kind of field bus is popular in the international scale, application and research abroad has been quite mature. Developed by Germany FESTO MPS (Modular Production System) modular production and processing system is a different level complex master industrial automation system, is Harbin vocational and technical college motor integration professional skills training equipment. In this paper, through the analysis of the process of MPS means less than real time stop the reason of fault diagnosis and disposal that PROFIBUS field bus technique is applied to MPs, open up its monitoring system to develop the system of fault diagnosis and disposal effect, on the dispersion of timely obligation system can adjust analysis, temporal characteristics of field bus stop to discuss, for MPS module production processing system stop PROFIBUS field bus communication design, robot in to the communication system of cohesion and timely monitoring of the machining process of the system, in order to establish the man-machine direct contact, to achieve a comprehensive effect of processing system of the birth. Through the process of MPS monitoring system development, expand its control functions, the stability of the birth process progress and speed up the fault diagnosis and disposal process, equipment progress of anti-jamming ability, applied to motor integration of professional skills, the teaching theory, the use of advanced means of teaching, make Mr. skill domain in the ancient technology of the latest growth results, become a high skill, high quality of continuous growth of higher vocational talents. It has important significance to develop monitoring system of MPS modular production system. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 绪论 8-14 1.1 课题的探讨背景及课题来源 8-9 1.1.1 课题的探讨背景 8 1.1.2 课题来源及探讨目的 8-9 1.2 国内外探讨近况与略论 9-10 1.2.1 工业自动化技术 9 1.2.2 机电一体化技术 9 1.2.3 现场总线技术 9-10 1.2.4 模块化生产系统探讨近况略论 10 1.3 MPS 模块化生产加工系统简介 10-12 1.3.1 模块化生产加工系统的组成 11 1.3.2 MPS 模块化生产加工系统的控制与通信功能 11-12 1.4 论文的主要探讨内容 12-14 第2章 现场总线时态特性略论及 MPS 网络总体设计方案 14-37 2.1 分布式实时系统任务可调度性略论 14-20 2.1.1 实时系统任务调度 14-17 2.1.2 实时系统任务可调度性略论 17-20 2.2 现场总线的时态特性 20-23 2.2.1 现场总线网络的时间和空间特性 20-22 2.2.2 现场总线网络通信时延模型 22-23 2.3 现场总线的技术略论 23-28 2.3.1 现场总线技术的优越性 24-25 2.3.2 现场总线的发展方向 25 2.3.3 PROFIBUS 现场总线技术 25-28 2.4 基于 PROFIBUS 总线的 MPS 网络总体设计 28-36 2.4.1 MPS 各个工作单元功能 29-34 2.4.2 现场级网络通信的 MPS 网络系统设计思想及实现方案 34-35 2.4.3 监控网络的建立 35-36 2.5 本章小结 36-37 第3章 MPS 模块化生产系统现场级设计 37-57 3.1 可编程逻辑控制器 37 3.2 各控制部件略论 37-39 3.2.1 SIMATIC S7-300 37-38 3.2.2 SIMATIC ET 200M 分布式 I/O 38-39 3.3 硬件配置 39-42 3.3.1 Step 介绍 39 3.3.2 硬件组态及网络配置 39-42 3.4 程序设计 42-49 3.4.1 模块化编程法实现主站控制 43-44 3.4.2 PLC 主站与智能从站之间数据交换的实现 44-49 3.5 机械手工作站 49-52 3.5.1 RV-2AJ 型机械手 49-51 3.5.2 机械手工作站与其他各站的通信的建立 51-52 3.5.3 机械手程序的编制及实现 52 3.6 POFIBUS-DP 总线系统现场级的通信调试 52-55 3.7 本章小结 55-57 第4章 基于 WINCC 的 MPS 监控软件的设计 57-70 4.1 SCADA 系统 57 4.2 数据采集与监控系统的选用准则 57-58 4.3 WinCC 监控组态软件简介 58-59 4.4 MPS 监控系统的设计 59-64 4.4.1 通信连接设计 59-60 4.4.2 WinCC 程序变量的设计 60-62 4.4.3 监控画面的设计 62-64 4.5 触摸屏监控界面设计 64-68 4.5.1 触摸屏的优点与功能 64 4.5.2 触摸屏的特征 64-65 4.5.3 触摸屏系统接线 65 4.5.4 MT500 软件介绍 65-66 4.5.5 触摸屏监控界面略论 66-68 4.6 本章小结 68-70 结论 70-71 参考文献 71-74 附录 1 74-81 附录 2 81-85 攻读学位期间的论文及其它成果 85-87 致谢 87-88 个人简历 88 |