
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In the 21st century of China communication flow are becoming more and more frequent, external publicity is to make foreign accurately understand China's political, economic, cultural and other aspects of main roads, China promotion of soft strength, expand the international influence of the main object. The translation of publicity materials directly affect the degree of achievement is to promote, promote the translation of foreign materials, increasingly being valued. Study of Chinese English translation of publicity materials in recent years, the gradual emergence of diversified growth, this touches utilitarianism in C-E translation of publicity materials play a role in the relevant research. The German translation study contains important function target of text location, function analysis, translation process and translation into the intermediary steps and evaluation, fundamentally touched all aspects of practical translation. And effect of translation studies has always been thought is actually very good advice according to the translation, is used to study as the use of one text to the C-E translation of the text. System and direction of the actual effect of translation is the reason of this color to use it as a practical framework for advice. However, at this stage still exists in the lack of efficacy and doctrine of publicity translation research field coherence. Current C-E translation studies is not a practical system framework, individual research on the C-E translation of publicity materials are in unison. Some of the translation of publicity materials research of course take effect research methods, however in foreign publicity translation data classification scale is faint, by the lack of effective guidance of C-E translation process research system and translator in the actual frame with duty and task flow is not clear, and did not the pace and way and the actual according to a joint cheek by jowl. According to the translation of publicity materials growth needs, the applied effect of actual foreign publicity translation stop from the new classification and orientation, various types of publicity translation is a all to study, application effect theory to analyze these types between personality and characteristics, previous research oversight must be offset, all foreign publicity translation effect, intervention, process and analysis methods do a system summary.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   Acknowledgements   6-9   Introduction   9-16       0.1. Literature Review   9-14       0.2. Purpose and Significance of the Research   14       0.3. Methodology   14-15       0.4. Layout of the Thesis   15-16   Chapter One An Overview of Translation for International Communication   16-25       1.1. A Brief Analysis of China’s International Communication   16-18       1.2. Translation for International Communication   18-25           1.2.1. The Definition of TIC   18-20           1.2.2. The Characteristics of TIC   20-25   Chapter Two Functionalist Approaches   25-33       2.1. A General Introduction to Functionalist Approaches   25-28       2.2. Applicability of Functionalist Approaches to TIC   28-33   Chapter Three Guidance of Functionalist Approaches to TIC   33-42       3.1. Text Typology and the Classification of Translation Text   33-36       3.2. Skopos Theory and Major Principles of TIC   36-38       3.3. Translation Action Theory and Major Participants   38-40           3.3.1. The Role of Initiator and Commissioner   38-39           3.3.2. The Role of ST Producer   39           3.3.3. The Role of Translator   39-40           3.3.4. The Role of Target Reader   40       3.4. Nord’s Looping Model in Translation Process   40-42   Chapter Four Functionalist Analyses of Typical TIC Texts   42-52       4.1. Functionalist Analysis of Political TIC Text   42-46       4.2. Functionalist Analyses of Public TIC Texts   46-52           4.2.1. Characteristics of Chinese and English Tourism IC Texts   46-49           4.2.2. Characteristics of Chinese and English IC Texts for Institutions and Enterprises   49-52   Chapter Five Case Study Based on Functionalist Approaches   52-71       5.1. Political TIC   52-63           5.1.1. Translation Brief   53-54           5.1.2. Translation Principles in Political TIC   54-55           5.1.3. ST Analysis   55           5.1.4. TT Analysis   55-63      The Analysis of the Reproduction of the ST’s Function   55-60      The Analysis of TT Based on Functionalist Principles   60-63       5.2. Public TIC   63-71           5.2.1. Translation Brief   63-64           5.2.2. Translation Principles in Political TIC   64           5.2.3. ST Analysis   64           5.2.4. TT Analysis   64-71      Pre-Translation Adjustment   65-67      Example Analysis   67-71   Conclusion   71-74   Works Cited   74-78  
