
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



May 1, 2004 in the EC / EU was founded more than 50 years of history has extremely important significance in the recovery of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus ten central and Eastern European and Mediterranean countries for members of the EU completed since the establishment of the largest extension. On the original member states, EU enlargement has brought opportunities and also challenges, because of the difference in the degree of economic great, central and Eastern European countries after the accession of the original members of the labor market will suffer the impact of different level, while Germany because of its economic strength and special geographical position and bear the brunt. The recent years Germany rest force market and the EU enlargement to the German off the effects of market power has carried on the detailed analysis of the quantitative, and further analysis to discuss the German labor market transformation plan. This paper first introduces the labor market and unemployment fell on the industry analysis framework, and the economic integration actual and Heckscher Ohlin model as the theoretical analysis; the second chapter describes the detailed state process of EU enlargement and the German labor market; the three aspects of the third chapter as the main parts of this thesis deeply, shift from commercial concrete people and activity analysis of EU enlargement with cost impact on the German labor market; the initial assessment of the EU and Germany to deal with this way, including unemployment policy reform measures at the EU level and Germany international Schroder in the times and the new authorities after the establishment of the overall framework of the labor market transformation.


内 容 摘 要   5-6   Abstract   6   Inhaltsangabe   7-9   前言   9-14   第一章 劳动力市场探讨的理论基础   14-24       第一节 劳动力市场及就业失业的略论框架   14-19           1. 劳动力市场   14-16           2. 就业与失业   16-19       第二节 贸易和要素流动如何作用劳动力市场   19-24           1. 经济一体化与赫克歇尔-俄林理论模型   19-21           2. 贸易如何作用劳动力市场   21           3. 移民如何作用劳动力市场   21-22           4. 资本流动如何作用劳动力市场   22-24   第二章 欧盟东扩对德国劳动力市场的作用   24-52       第一节 欧盟东扩   24-29       第二节 东扩前的德国劳动力市场   29-36       第三节 东扩后的德国劳动力市场   36-52           1. 贸易的作用   36-41           2. 移民的作用   41-48           3. 资本流动的作用   48-52   第三章 欧盟及德国的应对方法   52-57       第一节 欧盟层面的应对方法   52-53       第二节 德国政府的应对方法   53-57   结语   57-60   附录主要参考资料   60-63  
