
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In the commodity economy highly developed today, in the process of economic globalization, economic, and cultural integration, follow the commodity circulation internationalization, advertisement of economic efficiency and civilization combined effect of survivors to more rigorous, advertisement has become people daily life indispensable constituent departments, affect the economy, the culture, the values read even of people 's life quality. In terms of enterprises, advertising has become a business promotion will not be less than the wrist, whether useful application of advertising will be directly related to the success or failure of the enterprise. The ultimate goal of advertisement is the dumping of goods, reaching the aim to attract readers and persuade the consequences, so advertising translation emphasizes is the desired effect of the translated text in the target language. In order to accomplish this kind of expected consequence, the translator needs to make the necessary adjustment to the original text, in order to adapt to the new. Traditional efficacy peer to peer real basic translation strategy is limited to the reproduction of the situation or content of the original text, can not adapt to this kind of advertisement goal of strong, abnormal special genre, in many cases can not reach to target readers to stop attracting and persuading the consequences, cannot say for victory. Effect on German translation actual emergence of breaking the traditional form, broke through the peer to peer to speak basic science translation practice and thought translation means not only depend on the analysis of the characteristics of the original, but on the basis of the translation to determine the translation can have a specific effect, broaden the scope of the study, provides a new perspective for translation studies. German functional translation school thought, any translation is a must target may say is to complete must effect, but the translation can be faithful to the original text often depends on the goal of translation, also want to consider the target language and the original language in the language and culture differences. In the process of translation, the translator will have a specific meaning of the source language of the symbol into the target language of civilization in the speech symbols, so as to arrive at the end of the objective function. Effect of German translation practical focus concept is the goal of, and target track is on the objectives of the important rail, the rail is thought. All of the translation process, including the choice of translation methods and translation strategy, is by the action of the translation to reach the target resolution. Effect of feminist translation is actually to target track is leading translation scale diversification of the actual system, inspired us in the process of translation the translator can be smart to take a variety of translation strategy, based on the analysis of the original, the target expected effect as the goal, choose the best treatment method. With regard to the genre of this kind of target of advertisement, have high maneuverability and pointing sense. The German functional translation actually practical framework of perforative, through analysis the important actual indecent point, the actual applying the essence in the translation of English advertisement. Through the detailed process of translation examples analysis, actively explore summed up applicable and useful translation methods, with a view to the current advertising translation to positive stimulative effect, and evidence of the German functional translation practical to guide advertising translation theory significance. This paper is divided into six sectors. The first part is introduction, introduces the research background, practical significance and fundamental framework and structure; the first chapter reviewed the past comments and now international advertising translation state, and points out the lack of place; the second chapter introduced the German translation effect reality, contains the text type, the actual goal of Reiss's theory, Manty Vermeer the actual translation action and Nord's function plus loyalty practice, introduces the concept of specific focus of its origin, growth, and its actual representatives, to inspire the advertising translation; the third chapter introduces the advertisement of this kind of special genre, including its definition, classification, functions, elements and characteristics of civilization to speak, in the fourth chapter; the German translation of the actual effect of guidance, should comply with the proposed advertising translation in the process of the two principles, namely, the target track was an important criterion, connection track and rail is the main loyalty Criterion, at the same time through a large number of with advertisement translation cases, summed up the several translation strategies, such as literal translation, free translation, expansion of translation and creative translation, condensed translation, compile, imitation; originally a department is summarized, which reaffirms the indecent point and points out its limitations.

