(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语论文题目,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 片子电视著作是古代社会中人们生涯必弗成少的一部门。观赏本国影视著作能增进分歧文明间的沟通和懂得,因此,影视著作翻译研究最近几年来逐步鼓起,而字幕翻译研究是个中最主要的一种。欧洲因为其说话格式的特别性,实际研究展开的较为普遍和深刻,在翻译战略、翻译标准和质量掌握方面都构成了必定的共鸣和标准。我国在字幕翻译研究方面则绝对滞后,且缺少行业标准。今朝市场上的翻译人员步调一致,翻译质量良莠不齐,晦气于字幕翻译的安康成长。本文测验考试运用功效翻译实际对字幕翻译停止体系研究,以期对进步字幕翻译质量有所赞助。本文起首引见国际外的翻译实际研究和现状,然后,对德国功效翻译实际停止体系地引见,重要罗列了该学派的四位代表人物和重要实际。随后,德语毕业论文,作者对字幕这一特别文本停止体系剖析,在字幕文本的各类客不雅性限制规模内,总结出其特色;按照字幕文本的特别性,从功效主义视角,对字幕翻译这一特别的翻译范畴停止了学术性剖析。综合以上剖析所得结论,作者制订出详细的四点翻译准绳,并依据准绳制订出翻译战略。按照目标论指点下的归化准绳,依照保存原文说话作风的详细水平,作者将各类战略整顿归结为四品种型直译法、诠释法、稀释法和省略法。最初总结前文,对本文的意义作了归纳综合,并指出本文的局限性和将来的研究偏向。 Abstract: Film and television works in ancient society, people's life will not be a part of the. Watching the domestic film and television works can enhance the communication between different civilizations and understand, therefore, the film and television works translation studies have gradually come up in recent years, and the subtitle translation research is one of the most important. Europe because of the special nature of the format of their speech, the actual study of the more general and profound, in translation strategies, translation standards and quality control are all constitute a certain degree of resonance and standard. China in the subtitle translation research is lagging behind, and the lack of industry standards. Keep step with currently on the market of translators, uneven in quality translation quality, subtitle translation is not conducive to the growth in Ankang. In this paper, we will discuss the application efficiency of the test in translation practice, in order to improve the quality of the subtitle translation. This article first introduced the international and foreign translation practice research and the present situation, then, to the German efficiency translation actual stop system introduction, important lists the school's four representative figures and the important practical. . then, the author of this particular text of caption stop system analysis, within the text subtitle all passenger indecent limited scale, summarizes its characteristic, according to the caption text, from the functional perspective, on subtitle translation the translation category stop the academic analysis. Based on the conclusion of the above analysis, the author has made a detailed four point translation criterion, and formulated a translation strategy based on the principle. According to the principle of domestication in the target theory, according to the detailed level of keeping the original style of the original text, the author summed up all kinds of strategies in four varieties: literal translation, interpretation, dilution and omission. In the first part, the paper summarizes the significance of this paper, and points out the limitations of this paper and the future research tendency. 目录: 内容提要 4-5 Synopsis 5-6 Chapter One Introduction 9-14 1.1 Research Background 9-13 1.1.1 The Development of Subtitle Translation 9-10 1.1.2 The Studies on Subtitle Translation in China 10-13 1.2 Thesis Structure 13-14 Chapter Two Literature Review 14-25 2.1 Text Typology 14-16 2.2 Skopostheorie 16-21 2.3 The Theory of Translational Action 21-23 2.4 Function plus Loyalty 23-25 Chapter Three Subtitle Language 25-38 3.1 Subtitle — The Fourth Text Type 25-27 3.2 Functions of Subtitle 27-29 3.3 Features of Subtitle Language 29-38 3.3.1 Technical Characteristics of Subtitle 29-33 3.3.2 Linguistic Characteristics of Subtitle 33-36 3.3.3 Constraints of Subtitle 36-38 Chapter Four Subtitle Translation 38-74 4.1 Subtitle Translation — A Special Type of Translation 38-46 4.1.1 Two Types of Subtitle Translation 38-43 Dubbing 38-41 Subtitling 41-42 Differences Between Dubbing and Subtitling 42-43 4.1.2 Factors that Influence the Quality of Subtitle Translation 43-46 The Intention from the Directors and Authors 43-44 The Expectations from the Audience 44-45 The Skopos of Subtitle Translation 45-46 4.2 Strategies for Subtitle Translation 46-74 4.2.1 Principles on Subtitle Translation 47-57 Conciseness 47-49 Immediate Comprehensibility 49-52 Individuality of Character 52-54 Emotion Arousing 54-57 4.2.2 Domestication Strategies for Subtitle Translation 57-74 Direct Translation 59-65 Paraphrase 65-68 Condensation 68-70 Deletion 70-74 Chapter Five Conclusion 74-77 5.1 Contribution 74-75 5.2 Limitations of the Study 75 5.3 Some Suggestions for Future Study 75-77 Bibliography 77-84 文中台词翻译互联网来源 84-85 摘要 85-88 Abstract 88-91 Acknowledgements 91 |