(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着现今社会科技的飞速成长,高新技巧办事于社会经济的后果愈来愈显著。各个国度都在追求分歧措施来造就本国的高新技巧人才。我国也不破例。但是,受通俗教导的作用,我国年夜部门高职院校采用的照样“三段式”课程开辟。这类课程开辟具有较严谨的学科构造,但其实际与理论连接涌现的成绩也是不容疏忽。纵不雅世界职业教导范畴,法国的“三段式”课程开辟,还有英国的“工学瓜代”课程开辟和以美国、加拿年夜、日本和澳年夜利亚为代表“理论渗入渗出型”课程开辟和德国的“双元制”课程开辟成为几种重要的课程开辟形式。个中,最具有典范性,实行后果最好的课程开辟形式仍属职业教导巨子的“双元制”,这类课程开辟形式也为其经济成长带来伟大收益。本文以双元制年夜学为研究对象,以课程开辟为主题,以双元制年夜学课程开辟的经历对我国的启发为主线,并联合中德两国高职课程现状,对包含课程开辟预备和课程实行及评价在内的课程开辟全进程停止深刻剖析,德语论文范文,旨在自创双元制年夜学课程开辟的胜利经历,并联合我国高职课程开辟的现状,为摸索中国特点的高职课程开辟构建赐与参考和启发。本文共分为四章。第一章,德语毕业论文,略论本文“双元制”、“双元制年夜学”及“课程开辟”症结词的寄义,从而对双元制年夜学及其相干概念构成清楚的熟悉。第二章从课程不雅、课程开辟主体、课程尺度和计划设计及课程组织与构造四方面临双元制年夜学课程开辟预备阶段停止深刻剖析。第三章为双元制年夜学课程开辟的实行及评价阶段,分为课程实行及评价两个方面。第四章,之前三章双元制年夜学课程开辟特点为基本,对双元制年夜学课程开辟的优势停止论述,并联合我国高职课程开辟在理论中涌现的成绩停止剖析,得出其对我国高职课程开辟的启发。 Abstract: Along with the rapid development of modern social science and technology, high and new technology services in the social and economic consequences of more and more significant. Every country in the pursuit of different ways to create their own high-tech talent. China is no exception. However, the impact of popular education, the majority of Higher Vocational Colleges in our country adopt the "Three - stage" curriculum development. This course opens up a more rigorous academic structure, but its practical and theoretical connection between the emergence of the results is not negligence. Longitudinal indecent world vocational education category, France's "three-step" courses were opened, and the British Engineering alternating course development and in the United States, and Canada, Japan and Australia opened as the representative of "the theory of infiltration type" curriculum and the German "dual system" curriculum development become several important curriculum development pattern. Medium, most of the model, implementation has the best effect of curriculum development pattern is still a vocational education giant "dual system", this kind of curriculum development pattern for its economic growth has brought great benefits. This paper to the dual system of University as the research object, in the course of the open monarch of the whole process to stop a profound analysis as the theme, to the dual system in the university curriculum development experience to our country inspiration as the main line, and combined with Chinese and German vocational curriculum present situation, including curriculum development preparation and curriculum implementation and evaluation, of course, to own dual system in college courses to open up the successful experience, and combined with our curriculum development status, in order to explore Chinese characteristics of vocational courses were opened construction gives reference and inspiration. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, analysis of the "dual system", "dual system in University" and "curriculum development" crux of the word meaning, thus the dual system in University and its related concepts constitute clear familiar. The second chapter from the curriculum indecent, courses were opened for the subject, curriculum standards and the plan design and curriculum organization and structure of the Quartet faces dual system of college curriculum development preparation stage stop profoundly. The third chapter is the dual system of university curriculum development and implementation of the evaluation stage, divided into two aspects of curriculum implementation and evaluation. Chapter four, before three chapters in the dual system of university curriculum development characteristics as the basic, advantage of dual system in college course opened on and combined with our curriculum development in the theory of the emergence of problem analysis, obtained the enlightenment to our curriculum development. 目录: |