
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This paper focuses on the important ideological characteristics of Germany from 18 to nineteenth Century, a romantic exposition opened. Through the research discovery, this dissertation thinks that the ideological circles since the German philosophy of Kant was born, it is important practical hot concentrated in familiar angles on the subject. The main criticism philosophy of Kant's doctrine of classical fantasy ceased to pave the way, in particular, these results are coherent in the world of people to understand the status of being displayed. At the end of a "natural theory" system of Kant's aesthetics is the core achievements will occur in this kind of understand. And its philosophical system differences, Kant's eyes, the "gift", or "subject" is in a completely with the fate of the concept of seeking, is the main, the seek not because of its presumed and reduced to the unreal and does not because of the basic stability is too quiet, discuss its cause, we invented, criticism of system philosophy discourse exterior there is a glamorous self support, which a point is actually not Schiller and romantic pice however has. On the contrary, the romantic claimed to abandon the system, such that as long as the new invention ability from the subject. In this central, Schiller to the actual cast the main intermediary role, leading to the third criticism is slowly romantic, "talent" resulting from the horizon of the original is pumped out, the real main body to conflict with the party's identity and object constitute binary confrontation. Here, the subject is sexual activity history indecent entrusts with the full time, and the society of the abstract participated to the concept of individualism sideways. After all, all romanticism stream ceaselessly spread, this is also buried under the excitation of ancient crisis of all kinds of seeds.


中文摘要   2-3   外文摘要   3   第1章 引言   5-11   第2章 康德“天才论”在其美学中的位置   11-32       2.1 康德的美学与哲学   11-16       2.2 “天才”概念的位置   16-21       2.3 “拱顶”理论   21-32   第3章 席勒与德国浪漫派   32-56       3.1 历史状况与相关评论   32-35       3.2 本雅明笔下的浪漫派   35-42       3.3 席勒的角色   42-56   第4章 天才与自然   56-74       4.1 康德美学中自然的意象   56-65       4.2 席勒的自然观   65-69       4.3 主观与客观:康德、歌德、席勒   69-74   结语   74-76   参考文献   76-90   致谢   90-91   独创性声明   91   学位论文版权使用授权书   91-92   中文详细摘要   92-97  
