
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The political foundation of Germany is a kind of peculiar social group, is the unique characteristics of tank. The German political foundation has multiple identities, both independent NGOs, but also think tank. The political foundation of close contact with the authorities, and is related to the German major political parties, but in the judicial position independent of political parties. The values and ideology close to the party insists on different conditions, the German political foundation to carry out various types of sports at home and abroad, plays an important role in the country's political and social life. In the international, political fund will be important political teaching, efforts to progress plain nearly all the political nature, strengthen plain near the main intervention of political awareness and ability; research topic, for the party and government to provide information and policy consultation service, for the provision of mental support; for assistance to the scholarships, training of qualified personnel for the German people from all walks of life to create a reserve strength. In foreign countries, the political fund will is the second German communication channel, authorities communication up and help, through the collaboration of project, called closed conference and carry out academic exchange, offer scholarship methods alive bound multiple countries, especially sponsored by the third world countries proping up the social construction of democracy, freedom and the rule of law. In foreign sports, political foundation, the application itself advantages, collect information on the collaboration of country, stop the investigation, the decision support for the German communication supply.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   绪论   6-9       一、 选题的背景与意义   6       二、 文献综述与探讨措施   6-8           (一) 文献综述   6-8           (二) 探讨措施   8       三、 本文的框架结构与主要内容   8-9   第一章 德国政治基金会的概况   9-14       一、 历史沿革   9-10       二、 组织结构   10-11       三、 资金来源   11-12       四、 与政党的关系   12-14   第二章 德国政治基金会的政治功能   14-26       一、 在国内政治中发挥影响的主要方式   14-17           (一) 开展国内政治教育,推广政党理念   14-15           (二) 开展课题探讨,为政党提供脑力支持   15-16           (三) 公开出版和探讨成果,对外传播其价值观   16-17           (四) 提供奖学金资助,培养人才   17       二、 政治基金会的国际活动及其对德国外交的影响   17-26           (一) 政治基金会开展对外活动的历史发展进程   18-19           (二) 政治基金会海外活动区域重点分布   19-26   第三章 政治基金会在政治决策中的影响--以外交决策为例   26-33       一、 在外交政策目标制定阶段的影响   27-28       二、 外交决策中的信息渠道   28-29       三、 外交决策中的咨询者   29-30       四、 外交政策的具体实施者   30-31       五、 外交政策的麻烦制造者   31-33   结论   33-34   参考文献   34-36   后记   36  
