(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 改造开放以来,中国一向努力于走向世界,中国悠长的汗青、残暴的文明每一年都吸引了年夜批的本国旅客到中国旅游。依据本国旅客的需求,我们出书了年夜量的英语版的旅游材料,如旅游宣扬手册、导游书、旅游杂志等来引见旅游景点,流传中国文明。是以中国的旅游文本施展着愈来愈主要的感化。所以,在许多情形下,这类文本翻译的利害在很年夜水平上作用着外界对中国景点及文明的熟悉。另外,中国的翻译实际家对这类文本的英译研究常常陷于个案的研究,这类研究没法处理旅游文本英译中存在的浩瀚成绩。为了填补这些缺点,本文把德国功效主义实际借用到汉语旅游文本的英译研究中。德国功效主义依据行动学的实际以为翻译是一种有目标的行动运动,所以翻译目标是选择翻译办法的终究决议身分。根据这一实际,德语论文题目,本文提出充足完成翻译目标的翻译才是对汉语旅游文本合适的翻译。这一翻译实际对汉语旅游文本的英译成绩具有很强的说明性和指点性。这些文本的英译具有激烈的目标性,施展着中国对外宣扬的窗口感化,要最年夜限制地让列国花费者接收我们所宣扬的产物,德语论文网站,所以权衡翻译质量的最主要的尺度是翻译目标完成水平。这点正好与德国功效主义倡导的翻译准绳相吻合。本文恰是应用这一实际来研究汉语旅游文本的英译成绩,进而论证了对于这类文本的翻译,越能充足完成翻译目标,就越合适,并据此提出了一系列响应的翻译对策。本文的立异的地方在于比拟,经由过程对两种文明特色、两种说话特色、及两种旅游文本特色的比拟,更深刻地说明了用功效主义来指点此类翻译的缘由。另外,本文倡导应当依据分歧的翻译目标持有一种静态的翻译立场,而不是逝世板的翻译批驳立场。 Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China has always been trying to go to the world, China's long history, brutal civilization has attracted a large number of domestic tourists to China every year. According to the needs of foreign tourists, we published the English version of a large number of tourist materials, such as tourism publicity manual, guide books and travel magazines to introduce tourist attractions, dissemination of Chinese civilization. It is to play a more and more important role in Chinese tourism texts. So, in many cases, the translation of this kind of text is very big impact on the level of China's scenic spots and cultural knowledge. In addition, the translation of this kind of text is often caught up in the translation studies of this kind of text, which can not deal with the vast achievements in English translation of tourism texts. In order to fill these shortcomings, this paper studies the practical use of German efficacy in the translation of Chinese tourism texts. According to the practical thinking of the action of the German, the translation is a kind of action, so the target is to choose the translation method. According to this fact, this paper puts forward that the translation of Chinese tourism texts is the proper translation of Chinese tourism texts. This translation has a strong explanatory and guidance on the translation of Chinese tourist texts. The translation of these texts is of great purpose, and it is the most important criterion for the translation quality to be the most important criterion of translation quality. This is in line with the principle of translation, which is advocated by german. This paper is to discuss the English translation of Chinese tourism texts, and then prove that the translation of this kind of text is more suitable, and put forward a series of responses to the translation strategies. Innovation of this paper place is compared, through the process of two civilization, two kinds of speech features, and two kinds of tourism texts feature match, profoundly illustrates the effect doctrine to guide the translation of this kind of reason. Also advocated in this paper should be based on differences in the translation of the target hold a static translation positions rather than death in translation criticism of the position. 目录: Acknowledgements 4-5 Contents in English 5-7 Contents in Chinese 7-9 Abstract 9-10 中文摘要 11-12 Chapter One Introduction 12-17 1.1 The motivation,object and significance of the present research 12-13 1.2 Translation of the tourism text 13-17 1.2.1 The notion of tourism 13-14 1.2.2 The definition of translation 14-17 Chapter Two The Functionalist Approach 17-30 2.1 An introduction of the functionalist approach 17-21 2.1.1 Reiss and her text typology 17-19 2.1.2 Evaluatory criteria 19-21 2.2 Vermeer 21-23 2.3 Nord 23-26 2.4 Characteristics of functionalist approach 26-27 2.5 The possibilities of the use of the functionalist approach in tourism translation 27-30 Chapter Three An Analysis of Tourism Texts Translation 30-34 3.1 A review of researches on tourism texts translation 30-31 3.2 Theory basis of this thesis 31-33 3.3 Applicability of the functionalist approach to tourism text translation 33-34 Chapter Four Contrastive Study 34-44 4.1 The different visiting motives 34 4.2 Different social customs and habits 34 4.3 Contrasts of the languages of Chinese and English 34-38 4.3.1 Syntactical structure difference 36 4.3.2 Differences in expressing method 36-37 4.3.3 Semantic difference 37 4.3.4 Structure difference 37-38 4.3.5 Conclusion 38 4.4 Features of tourism texts 38-40 4.4.1 The objective of tourism texts translation 39 4.4.2 A comparative analysis of tourism texts in Chinese and English basic structure 39-40 4.5 A comparative analysis of tourism texts in Chinese and in English 40-44 4.5.1 A review of the three kinds of functions 40-41 4.5.2 Analysis on the functions of tourism text 41-44 Chapter Five Analysis of Inappropriate Translations 44-55 5.1 Linguistic errors 44-45 5.2 Pragmatic errors 45-47 5.3 Cultural errors 47-50 5.3.1 Translator's misunderstanding of SL culture 47-48 5.3.2 Verbose and pompous diction 48-50 5.4 Structural error 50-52 5.5 Inappropriate repetition 52-53 5.6 Lacking cohesion 53-55 Chapter Six Proposed Methods of the Translation of tourism texts 55-64 6.1 Methods of translating the tourism text 55-62 6.1.1 Annotation 55 6.1.2 Paraphrasing 55-56 6.1.3 Amplification 56-57 6.1.4 Adding 57-58 6.1.5 Analogy 58 6.1.6 Deletion 58-61 6.1.7 Rewriting 61-62 6.2 Conclusion 62-64 Bibliography 64-68 个人情况及联系方式 68 |