
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This paper from the same German with national policy constitute and rough hands, introduced in Germany with national policy content, focuses on and analysis of Germany combined with the motivation of the characteristics and evolution of China policy, and in Germany the same binding policy to make a summary of the. Because of the change of the international situation, since the same time, Germany has changed its policy of communication to the situation. With the increase of the strength of Germany, in order to protect the benefits of the country in the world, the German beginning in the international community and the economic strength of the absolute political position, and strive to play a certain role in international affairs and influence. With the United Nations as the protection of international social security and the World War of prestige, the international community has played a major role in shaping the rules. In Germany, the United States can be described as a platform for the implementation of German communication policy. German authorities desire through the process of the spring of the United Nations mission to intervene and support, the completion of its main political country to become the main purpose. However, everything has two sides. Although the future, Germany in the United States to play a role in the attention of the people, but also to get a certain result. But the special historical reasons, the German in the United Nations the movement is not easy. In this paper, the German policy of the United States, but also the German policy of the United States to stop the difficulties.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-7   导言   7-11       一、选题意义   7       二、探讨近况   7-9       三、探讨措施   9-11   第一章 德国联合国政策形成的背景和内容   11-26       第一节 德国联合国政策的形成   11-13           一、西德联合国政策产生的背景   11           二、西德联合国政策的内容   11-12           三、两德统一对德国联合国政策的作用   12-13       第二节 德国联合国政策的内容   13-26           一、科尔政府时期的联合国政策(1990-1998 年)   14-16           二、施罗德政府的联合国政策(1998—2017 年)   16-23           三、默克尔政府的联合国政策(2017 年至今)   23-26   第二章 德国联合国政策的特点   26-32       第一节 德国联合国政策的政治理念与内容的特点   26-29           一、德国联合国政策与全球治理概念具有紧密联系   26-27           二、德国的联合国政策具有很强的现实性   27-29       第二节德国联合国政策的难点鲜明   29-32           一、德国的“入常”难   29-30           二、德国参与维和行动的实践难   30-32   第三章 德国联合国政策的动因和作用   32-42       第一节 德国联合国政策形成和变化的外在原因   32-35           一、两极格局的瓦解为德国营造了宽松的国际环境   33-34           二、欧洲局势的改变促成德国外交方针的转变   34-35       第二节 德国联合国政策形成和变化的内在原因   35-40           一、德国经济发展的需要   35-37           二、德国外交“克制文化”的转变   37-39           三、德国社会力量的推动   39-40       第三节 德国联合国政策的作用   40-42           一、德国联合国政策推动了德国国际角色的转变   40-41           二、德国联合国政策对联合国产生积极的作用   41-42   结论   42-45       一、德国联合国政策的转变是为了维护国家利益   42-43       二、德国的联合国政策体现了德国国际形象的转变   43-44       三、德国的联合国外交体现德国外交多边主义策略的成功   44-45   参考文献   45-49   致谢词   49  
