
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This paper reviews the important debate the new German civilization identity achievement "said. "Culture identity" here refers to a plain displayed in multi civilization under the background of national civilization itself characteristics. This concept has a little difference with the "national character", which is basically a conscious history form, the former includes automatic search of identity. This paper first analyzes the psychological influence of Germany in World War II as natural, and when the German artist's historical situation, especially the American civilization and art in Germany infiltration. Because of the infiltration and influence of American civilization, facing Germany civilization alienation risk. But the racism of Nazi Germans and dare not face history and civilization itself. Under this kind of situation, the German artist to establish their own culture identity, required for general said American art theory to adhere to certain intervals, on the other hand must correct understanding of the ethnic history tradition. In these two aspects, Boice said the new doctrine has far-reaching influence. The second part of the article analyzes in detail the cultural identity in the said doctrine art performance, include to adopt concrete speaking, attention of German history, civilization and political achievements, drawing on German history and myth and so on. The first of numerous German New Expressionism reflected civilization identity summarized achievements stop.


引言   6   第一章 冷战以后世界艺术格局的变化以及文化身份问题的出现   6-12       第一节 二战对德国造成的心理作用   6-8       第二节 抽象表现主义的政治意识形态含义   8-10       第三节 波依斯所体现的文化身份意识   10-12   第二章 文化身份意识在德国新表现主义上的体现   12-35       第一节 巴塞利兹的战争形象   12-17       第二节 吕佩尔茨的战争物品   17-19       第三节 伊门多夫的德国场景   19-21       第四节 彭克的“沟通”主题   21-24       第五节 基弗的神话题材   24-30       第六节 其他新表现主义画家   30-35   结语   35-37   参考书目   37-38   后记   38  
