
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

摘要   5-7   Abstract   7-9   Introduction   13-19   Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to Business Contracts   19-45       1.1 Definition and Classification of Business Contracts   19-21       1.2 Text Type and Function of Business Contracts   21-23       1.3 Linguistic Features of English Business Contracts   23-45           1.3.1 Lexical Features   24-33           1.3.2 Syntactical Features   33-40           1.3.3 Textual Features   40-45   Chapter 2 German Functionalist Theory   45-53       2.1 A Brief Introduction to German Functionalist Theory   45-49       2.2 Main Concepts and Principles of German Functionalist Theory   49-53           2.2.1 Three Rules of Skopos Theory   49-52      Skopos Rule   49-50      Coherence Rule   50-51      Fidelity Rule   51-52           2.2.2 Loyalty Principle   52-53   Chapter 3 Functionality of English-Chinese Translation of Business Contracts at Macro Level   53-60       3.1 Factors Affecting E-C Translation of Business Contracts   53-56           3.1.1 The Initiator   54           3.1.2 The Addressee   54-55           3.1.3 The translator   55-56       3.2 Rules Guiding E-C Translation of Business Contracts   56-60           3.2.1 Skopos Rule as the Primary Rule in Business Contract Translation   57-58           3.2.2 Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule as Basic Requirements to Realize Target-text Function   58-59           3.2.3 Loyalty Rule as the Moral Requirement for Business Contract Translators   59-60   Chapter 4 Functionality of English-Chinese Translation of Business Contracts at Micro Level   60-85       4.1 Gaining Lexical Functionality   60-70           4.1.1 Translation of Technical Terms   60-62           4.1.2 Translation of Archaic Words   62-65           4.1.3 Translation of Formal Words   65-67           4.1.4 Translation of Pair Synonyms   67-68           4.1.5 Translation of the Modal Verb "shall"   68-70       4.2 Achieving Syntactical Functionality   70-79           4.2.1 Translation of Adverbials   70-72           4.2.2 Translation of Attributives   72-74           4.2.3 Translation of Passive Voice   74-76           4.2.4 Translation of Long Sentences   76-79       4.3 Realizing Textual Functionality   79-85           4.3.1 Accuracy in Translation   79-81           4.3.2 Preciseness in Translation   81-83           4.3.3 Consistency in Translation   83-85   Conclusion   85-88   Bibliography   88-91   Acknowledgements   91  
