(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 商务合同是划定合同两边的权力和责任、保护他们正当权益并受司法掩护的一种文件。商务合同翻译质量的利害不只关系到合同两边的经济好处,并且会作用他们未来的经济协作和成长,是以商务合同的翻译愈来愈显示出其主要性。到今朝为止,已有许多学者从分歧角度对商务合同的翻译停止了研究。但是,这些研究年夜都只重视微不雅层面的对等而疏忽了微观上的翻译目标及文本功效。德国功效翻译实际为翻译理论带来了新的启发。该实际将翻译看做是一种有目标的行动。与传统翻译实际分歧,它强调目标文本的目标或功效。依据该实际,目标文本的目标或功效决议一切翻译行动。该实际付与译者更多的自在,以为为了到达翻译目标和完成文本功效,译者可以最年夜限制天时用原文的文本信息,并在理论中采用卓有成效的翻译战略。本文以德国功效翻译实际为指点,采取“从全局到部分”的研究办法,从微观和微不雅两方面商量了英语商务合同汉译的功效性。本文共包含六个部门:引言部门重要引见了研究的配景、意义和论文构造。第一章起首引见了商务合同的界说、分类、文本类型和文本功效,然后从辞汇、句法和篇章三个层面剖析了英语商务合同的说话特色。第二章引见了德国功效翻译实际。起首概述了德国功效翻译实际的来源和成长,接侧重点引见了目标论三年夜翻译轨则和诺德的功效加忠实准绳。第三章从微观方面商量了英语商务合同汉译的功效性。联合商务合同英汉翻译的详细情形,本章起首评论辩论了作用合同翻译的三个主要身分,即合同翻译的提议者、合同译文的收受者与译者。然后,本章将目标论三年夜翻译轨则和诺德的功效加忠实准绳应用于商务合同的英汉翻译,证实了德国功效翻译实际有其公道性,实用于合同翻译。第四章从微不雅方面商量了英语商务合同汉译的功效性。本章以德国功效主义实际为指点,并联合第一章对英语商务合同说话特色的剖析,从辞汇、句法和篇章三个方面商量了商务合同汉英翻译中的翻译办法。论文最初一个部门是对全文的总结:(1)在英语商务合同汉译进程中,译者除要留意英汉合同说话的体裁特色,还要卖力剖析译文的目标、译文的接收者、译文运用的文明情况与译文应有的功效;思虑若何依据分歧的情形采取适当的翻译战略以获得译文的语内连接与语际连接,以完成翻译的目标与功效;(2)德国功效翻译实际可以或许从微观和微不雅层面有用指点英语商务合同汉译。经由过程微观层面的目标、功效和微不雅层面的说话特点相联合,英语商务合同汉译的外交目标可以完成。 Abstract: A business contract is a document that is to define the rights and responsibilities of both sides of the contract and protect their legitimate rights and interests. The quality of business contract translation is not only related to the economic benefits of both sides of the contract, and will affect their future economic cooperation and growth, is the business contract translation more and more show its main. So far, many scholars have studied the translation of business contracts from different perspectives. However, these studies only pay attention to the micro level of equivalence and neglect the micro translation goals and text effects. German efficacy translation has brought new inspiration to translation theory. The actual translation is seen as a target of action. Different from the traditional translation practice, it emphasizes the target text's goal or effect. In accordance with the actual, the target text of the target or the effectiveness of the resolution of all translation action. The actual entrusts the translator more freedom, thought that the translator can most of the eve of the limit to the text information and in theory the effective translation strategies in order to reach the target translation and text effect. In this paper, the practical translation of German efficacy as a guide, to take the "from the overall to the part" of the research approach, from the micro and micro view of the two aspects of the translation of English business contract translation. This paper is composed of six departments: the introduction of the research background, significance and the structure of the paper. Three levels of the first chapter first introduces the business contract of the definition, classification, text type and text effect, then from lexical, syntactic and textual analysis of the speech features of English business contracts. The second chapter introduces the German translation practice. First of all, the source and development of the practical translation of German efficacy, the focus of the three major goals of translation and Nord's effectiveness and the principle of loyalty. The third chapter discussed the effectiveness of English business contract translation from the micro aspect. This chapter reviews the three main factors that affect the translation of contracts, namely, the recipient of the translator, the translator and the translator. Then, this chapter will discuss the target of the three major translation of the track and Nord's effectiveness and the principle of loyalty to the translation of business contracts for the translation, confirmed that the German efficacy of translation practice has its fair, practical in the contract translation. In the fourth chapter, the effectiveness of the translation of English business contracts from the view of the micro aspects is discussed. In this chapter, the practical guidance of German efficacy, and the first chapter of the analysis of the characteristics of the English business contract, from the vocabulary, syntax and discourse of the three aspects of the translation of business contracts. The initial a department is the full text of the summary: (1) in English business contract translation process, the translator in addition to pay attention to speaking English and Chinese contracts the genre characteristics and even harder translation analysis of the target, the target receivers, TT application of civilization and translation due effect; consider how according to different situation take appropriate translation strategies to obtain the target language connection and inter connection, to complete the objectives and functions of translation; (2) the German functional translation can perhaps from macro and micro Ya level useful guidance of English business contract translation. Combined with the characteristics of the target, the effect and the micro level of the micro level of the micro level, the target of the Chinese translation of English business contract can be accomplished. 目录: |