
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The salon occurred in the Renaissance era, in twentieth Century gradually wound up, as long as the five century time, has always been the most concentrated in Western Europe demiworld energy civilization career situation. The salon is characterized by conversation, literature, philosophy, content involves politics, music, talk around a Sha Longnv's important. Eighteenth Century, the French Revolution led to social unrest, when the country had grown up in France lost the vitality, but gradually spread to the surrounding countries and regions, the German region, especially in Berlin, Sharon is the continuation of france. Jewish women are an important starting point for the German salon, and it is a strange sight in German history and the history of the Jewish people to consider that the Jews of the German region had not yet achieved their power. This kind of scene emerged due to the specific social situation at that time: first of all, the kingdom of Prussia with the emphasis on recycling muster, a group of Jews, these people are on the great victory of the economy, the strength of the high cost of Sharon held a social movement; secondly, the Prussian majesty and high caste social occasions without chewing, urgent need similar occasions in the Jewish salon women can emerge, with Sharon to enter the mainstream society; third, Jewish women talented, has a saloniere moral need. Jewish women since the salon made great concern, and their German nobles approached closely, and most of the initial choice of alienation from mainstream society, which includes Berlin four well-known salon hostess. Their alienation process is not the same, it represents the alienation of the era of the form of a betrayal of Judaism, Christianity, and marriage. This kind of action has a deep level of reason. Because the Jewish people were patriarchal, women in a number of ways not like men to get attention, and teach secular influence, women completed embrace non Jewish Civilization in the. In addition, Sharon's differences in thinking also affect the Jewish women, and when they do not belong to the German state, which is more deep social position they become the real German, the fierce desire. The Jewish salon women try to integrate into German society with the alienation of value, but it is a crisis of identity, and deepened the anti - jewish. Jewish women held a Progressive Jewish women's position in the society, and enhanced the Jewish community and the German community. The women's salon, along with the Jewish bondage, is one of the representatives of the German Jewish society in ancient times. However, the Jewish salon women had no compromise in their German identity and Jewish identity, which indicates that the ancient beginning of the fall, but also the German Jewish community.

