
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Along with the information era coming, and the global economic integration process accelerating, advertisement, become the success or failure of an enterprise crux. People used it to become a symbol of social civilization and the soul, become an enterprise. Now, China's rapid economic growth, "made in China" in many countries around the world can be seen, the Chinese civilization has spread around the world. Is to advertising in the economic efficacy of the same time, but also with the effectiveness of civilization. Whether the Chinese products and Chinese civilization will be better able to spread to the world, advertising played a minor role. It can directly affect the cost orientation and career quality of the consumers. So, the advertisement will certainly will attract and persuade consumers to purchase goods and services it preached. This is exactly the important function of advertising and the ultimate goal. As a result, a good Chinese English advertising translation can not only make foreign consumers more useful and more accurate understanding of the product of our country, promote its sales in the global market, and promote China's economy and the world economy. At the same time, it can promote the integration of Chinese civilization and the world civilization. In our country after the economic situation, the system of advertising translation study, has its main social value and economic value. As a branch of translation, advertising translation has its own unique characteristics. It can reach the attraction is in the target situation, the expected consequences to persuade readers. While the traditional translation equivalence theory is "respect". This actual emphasis is on the original to "loyal", "equivalent" principle. This kind of text only to the content of the original text or reproduction of the actual situation, it is bound to reach the target of advertising translation. So whether there is a kind of translation practice can the translation process and the translation of the target of the perfect combination of the way? The efficacy of translation is actually came into being. It was born in twentieth Century seventy years in Germany, by Nord and other scholars put forward. Effectiveness of translation practice, translation should be based on the situation to determine whether the translation can have a special effect, and stressed the main role of the text target in the process of translation. Translation always has a certain target, whether the translation can be loyal to the original text depends on the translation of the target and the target language and the cultural differences between the source language. Efficacy translation is the main remedy and breakthrough of traditional translation practice. Efficacy translation actually thought that the translation should be the idea "to target the resolution of the wrist", rather than rigidly adhere to the translation strategy. This is a kind of smart, comfortable and elegant, its focus is the goal of the concept of. Is to, this is the actual exception to adapt to the special purpose, the same clever and varied advertising translation. This article describes the German efficacy of the actual situation, with the occurrence of the background, the growth process as a practical framework. The principle of the target and the principle of loyalty is the actual two years of the total principle of the night. Its focus is the principle of the target. In addition, the smooth and easy to read connection track and the loyalty to the original text of the target is the principle of the actual. Author through the discussion and analysis of scholars who represent actual indecent point, explaining how the efficacy actual effectively applied to advertising translation. In addition, this article will describe the concept, characteristics and efficacy of the use of the genre of the genre, and explain the characteristics of English advertisements. The authors list the large amount of C-E advertisement translation examples, to analyze the effect of German translation school actual application in C-E advertisement translation and usefulness, to discuss under the guidance of appropriate in English Advertisement Translation Translation Strategies: literal translation, change translation, creative translation, civilization make up for translation, in order to advertisement translation in China to the stimulative action. This paper consists of five parts. The first section briefly introduces the research background, the actual framework, etc.. The second section describes the effectiveness of the actual translation of the occurrence and growth of the focus and the point of it. The third section discusses the target and function of the advertisement, and discusses the feasibility of using the principle of effectiveness. At the same time also introduced the characteristics of English advertising, in order to better complete the English advertising translation of the target, the characteristics of English advertising deserves attention. Fourth departments through a large number of examples to explain the English advertising translation in the effectiveness of the actual point of the scale and strategy. The first part is a summary of the author's point of view, and pointed out the limitations of the author's point of view.

