Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract 5-7 摘要 8-12 Chapter One Introduction 12-16 1.1 Research background and significance of this study 12-14 1.2 Research questions 14 1.3 Research methodology and data collection 14 1.4 Layout of this dissertation 14-16 Chapter Two Literature Review 16-24 2.1 Definition of contracts and business contracts 16-17 2.2 Previous studies of business contracts 17-23 2.2.1 On the language features of business contracts 18-20 2.2.2 On the translation of business contracts 20-21 2.2.3 Limitations of these researches 21-23 2.3 Previous studies of the functionalist translation theory 23-24 Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 24-32 3.1 A brief introduction to the functionalist translation theory 24 3.2 Development of the functionalist translation theory 24-26 3.3 Main concepts and principles of the functionalist translation theory 26-32 3.3.1 Skopostheorie 26-28 Skopos rule 27 Coherence rule 27-28 Fidelity rule 28 3.3.2 Loyalty principle 28-29 3.3.3 Documentary translation and instrumental translation 29-32 Chapter Four Application of the Functionalist Translation Theory to Business Contract Translation 32-53 4.1 Analysis of C-E business contract translation from the functionalism perspective 32-36 4.1.1 Text typology and the function of business contracts 32-34 4.1.2 The Skopos of C-E business contract translation 34-36 4.2 Applicability of the Functionalist Translation Theory to C-E Business Contract translation 36-44 4.2.1 Applicability of the Skopos rule 36-37 4.2.2 Applicability of the coherence rule and the fidelity rule 37-41 4.2.3 Applicability of the loyalty principle 41-42 4.2.4 Applicability of two strategies for C-E business contract translation from the functional perspective 42-44 4.3 Techniques of C-E Business Contract Translation Guided by the Functionalist Translacion Theory 44-53 4.3.1 Addition 44-46 Addition of subjects 44-45 Addition of appropriate logical words 45-46 Addition of appropriate archaic words 46 4.3.2 Conversion 46-48 Conversion of parts of speech 46-47 Conversion of voice 47-48 4.3.3 Careful selection of appropriate words 48-51 Selection of big and formal words 48-49 Selection of the appropriate words to express the meaning of the original text faithfully 49-51 4.3.4 Reiteration 51-53 Chapter Five Conclusion 53-56 5.1 Major findings of this study 54-55 5.2 Limitations of this dissertation and suggestions for further study 55-56 Bibliography 56-59 |