中文摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 Introduction 9-15 Chapter 1 Translation Theories Applicable to Advertisement Translation 15-30 1.1 Equivalence-based Approaches 15-18 1.1.1 Background and Development of the Equivalence-based Approache 16-17 1.1.2 The Limitations of Equivalence-based Approaches 17-18 1.2 German Functionalist Approaches 18-30 1.2.1 Background and Development of the German Functionalist Approaches 19-21 1.2.2 Basic Aspects of German Functionalist Approaches 21-28 Text Typology 21-22 Translation and Action Theory 22-25 Skopostheorie 25-27 A Function plus Loyalty Principle 27-28 1.2.3 Significance of German Functionalist Approaches 28-30 Chapter 2 Commercial Advertisement in General 30-52 2.1 General Aspects of Commercial Advertisement 31-40 2.1.1 Definition of Advertisement 31 2.1.2 Classification of Advertisement 31-34 2.1.3 Functions of Commercial Advertisement 34-36 Informative Function 34 Attractive Function 34-35 Persuasive Function 35-36 2.1.4 Requirements of Commercial Advertisement 36-37 2.1.5 Structure of Commercial Advertisement 37-40 2.2 Differences between Chinese and English Commercial Advertisements 40-52 2.2.1 Linguistic Differences 40-44 Florid Language vs. Plain Wording 41 Four-character Phrases in Chinese 41-42 Flowing Chunks vs. SV Structure 42-44 2.2.2 Cultural Differences 44-52 Group Orientation vs. Individual Orientation 44-46 Company-centered vs. Consumer-centered 46-47 Authority Emphasis vs. Fact Emphasis 47-49 Indirect Communication vs. Direct Communication 49-52 Chapter 3 Analysis of Commercial Advertisement Translation under the Guidance of German Functionalist Approaches 52-61 3.1 Skopos of Commercial Advertisement Translation 54-55 3.2 The Role of Source Text 55-56 3.3 Translator’s Role and Requirements in Advertisement Translation 56-61 Chapter 4 Translation Strategies Applicable to Commercial Advertisement Translation in the Light of German Functionalist Approaches 61-77 4.1 Literal Translation 61-65 4.2 Addition 65-67 4.3 Abridgement 67-70 4.4 Imitation 70-72 4.5 Adaptation 72-77 Conclusion 77-79 Bibliography 79-83 Acknowledgements 83-84 在读期间科研成果目录 84 |